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  • There's a Wicked book as well? I'll have to look into that.

    . . . It's not actually horror?

    -_-. I perfer Disney's animated musicals. They're more my style thne their non...animated ones.
    I might go coach, but it's gonna take a while which means less con time.

    And just for fun, we choose what the other wears. What say you?
    I have a crap Org. XIII cosplay in mind using some of my old stuff. Either that or turn up with generic stuff; wide hat, longcoat, the works.

    Oh, and it said on the National rail site that it's cheap; £25 at least for me. The only hurdle now is my parents.
    Oh Wicked and Avenue Q seem intresting, too bad they don't have film versions. Rent also sounds slightly intresting, might try finding that. The Rocky Horroe Picture Show...doesn't sound that appealing due to including horror, a genre I highly dislike. Phantom of the Opera from what little I know doesn't sound like my type of thing and you said Chicago got creepy so that's a bit...offsetting. As for the other two they don't really sounds intresting to me.

    Most Disney movies tend to be musicals from what I've seen over the years. I love some of them. HSM however is one Disney series I just don't like. The first movie was good but the second killed the series for me.
    Because honestly, I've never seen a musical outside of HSM and I have an undying hatred for that particular series. So I was wondering if you had any musical suggestions. :)
    Hey Dannichu. Sorry to take my pedanticness out on you but I couldn't help noticing your Icon of the Now only lists four signs that identify a werewolf and needed to point it out to someone. =)
    Haha, thank you! I found the .gif somewhere and just had to make it into my avatar. It was destiny.
    I have no idea what the context was though. I wish I did ):

    I've never watched V for Vendetta (should totally do it) but I remember Fry saying in an interview that the thing he most enjoyed filming was the bashing scene, because he'd never gotten beaten up before! :D
    Of course, is it possible not to like any of your drawings? :3 Still, thank you <3~

    Oh, you fulfilled your roll as a comsumer and bought a wondrous game in the process? It's fine, and once you beat the game there isn't much else to do, so it's nice to take it slowly. So, how do you like the drawing feature? What point are you in the game? Oh, it's fine that you picked him <3~ Really any of the characters would have made my day.
    Thank you <3~

    Jowee's my second favorite character, right after Heather, but the entire Raposa cast is in some way, shape, or form, considered adorable, or likable by me <3 I love the way you drew the scarf, and it's really long, too :D Jowee's face is definitely word an "Aww." I don't mind the colors being off, though, as you mentioned in your art thread, which I really need to comment in >w<; I should finish your birthday picture somewhat soon, and it's much later than yours, so you have nothing to aplogize for. I don't mind at all that it's late, and I really appreciate it, too.
    Um... at my school, we're choosing our options for sixth form courses, and we're supposed to be researching and all that about our subjects. And I've done that, but I figured since I know you took Psychology (and Sociology?) you could maybe tell me which one you preferred? Or how they were different?

    And did you have Communication and Culture as a subject choice? Because I've got Psychology, Sociology and C&C in mind and only two places to fill. D: And I also heard Psychology had a lot more maths and physics in it than sociology, and we're all being recommended not to take it because of this - is it true?

    Sorry to bug you. XD
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