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  • If he's to do with House and he's not Hugh I'm afraid I don't now him at all. I don't watch House D: I'm a very bad boy ;;
    I am glad you are pleased :D Three people have already agreed that Hugh in a Bumper Car is the most wonderful image in the world, excluding myself. xD
    And no, I have not previously ran over that imageing with my eyeness. But tis quite good :) (I have a horrible feeling I sould know the identity of this David Shore...)
    Not sure if I'll go to University or not, but maybe I'll try a teeny bit just in case ^^;;

    Hehe, I have the entire box set. Envy me >:D Stephen Fry + Hugh Laurie = the pure essence of hilarity itself. Except in the first episode of Jeeves and Wooster, but I'm assured it gets better later on. Such a shame Fry and Laurie isn't better known, it's a really clever and funny show.
    Law, Biology, History and Maths. Luckily I don't care about Maths and General Studies is widely regarded as a waste of time, so I have an extra week before I have an exam I can really be bothered to try for~

    Aww, thankies! 8D Somebody likes ABOFAL, I see. xD Which reminds me, I have a present for you. It's saved on the hard drive on our PC I think (I'm on my laptop), so I'll just go find it for you...
    EDIT: What? It's somehow managed to vanish... ;.;

    If you need Blackadder icons I'd ask RandomTyphoon, I think she has a few~
    Hey, that's totally fine :D Exams are more important than talking to Mike. (He says, having done no revision at all with A-levels less than 2 weeks away.)

    Eh, still typical Mike. :) Hey, do you still have your "Fry For God" Icon of the Now? It's just my Stephen Fry obsession is reaching dangerous levels and I think soon I might have to use it as an avatar somewhere. :D
    Hi Dannichu :) Haven't talked to you in forever so I thought I'd come bug you >:) How have you been?
    Oh god I'm sorry it took so long to reply, I had a wedding on the Easter weekend so I've been away for about a week.
    Otherwise, I'm pretty good. It's holidays now and all I have to do is homework. Bleh.
    Hai Dannichu :3 Sorry to be irritating, but is the foxhog drawing ready yet? (I've got you a thank-you present for when I've seen it :D You still like inanimate objects that look like faces right?)
    I'm happy you like it. :D Woo. Good luck with clearing the stuff out of your room; I have a huge amount of papers to sort out that I'm going to need for my revision. But it's still the holidays!

    Aww. "I'm not a procrasti - eh, I'll finish that sentence later." :3 I do way too much procrastinating, to the extent that yesterday I ended up writing two English essays at lunchtime at school because I hadn't bothered to do them earlier - well, I'd started one but still - and they were technically due in for the end of that day, because for us it was the last day of school. I ended up finishing one and doing the other rather badly, and not even giving them in because I had French at the end of the day and, well, there was cake. >.<; They were just homework, but I should have been more responsible, ehe. I'm going to hopefully email them both.

    Oh wow, I didn't know Kent did languages. :O Ooh, fun stuff! Wowowow I would so go. :D We'd have to, I dunno, meet at the entrance and you'd have to pretend to have been assigned to guide me around or something because my mum might not approve of the idea of meeting someone I met on the internet (D:) but that could totally work. Also, I remember seeing that you got your house deal taken away at the last minute - didn't you? That's awful bad luck. D: I hope you find another suitable house if you haven't already.

    Ehehe, I haven't looked at many, to be honest. I've visited part of Exeter uni's, well, grounds - meaning I've visited my cousin's accommodation - but I haven't looked at the courses much, although I know pretty much exactly what I want to do initially, although I know some people do extra things like take up another language or something. And all I know for definite about the application thing is the deadline is in... wait... October. Crap. xD Actually, I could still probably go to open days then so eh, no matter.
    I'm really, really, really sorry I haven't messaged you for ages, Dannichu. D: But here's some good news; I finally, after several months, have your birthday picture. Apologies for the lack of colour - I shaded it in pencil and just decided to keep it that way. Here it is. I only just worked out how to crop images and that I had to send them as an attachment to my laptop yesterday. Being technologically challenged to some extent, I wasn't sure I should try attaching the scanner to my laptop and remove it from the old computer. I'm so glad I can finally show my pictures, though.

    Aww, you make uni sound really fun. :3 I'm so glad you're having a good time. It's encouraging to hear people having fun at uni and hanging out with nice people and generally having fun. Speaking of fun, I would so fence against you! Dunno how, but I would.

    My mum's been nagging at me to look at open days for unis I'm interested in, and I doubt that Kent does languages - does it? I haven't heard that it does - and it'd be awesome to visit yours but I dunno if there'd be any point because of that. ; ;
    Does the book have a different plot or whatever?

    Oh. I'll look into it.

    Somewhat. I liked it better as a stand alone movie. Camp Rock however did not amuse me.
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