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  • I keep totally forgetting to link you to this, but have you ever looked at maladaptive's LJ? She writes some really interesting posts related to feminism and her points consistently seem well thought-out. :3
    The people. They're awful. Not everyone, obviously, but most of the people I do like I don't have classes with.
    Ah, I don't know how many we can bribe. My friend is tring to get the Phoenix Wright cast there so maybe we can bribe even more people into coming as PW characters. Of course, we don't want duplicates so if anyone were interested I'd have to write up a list. :x

    But you know, it would be great! I haven't got the money to go to the May Expo anyway so I'm not going to that one. May is never a good time for anyone to be going anywhere to do anything if you're a student though.
    Hiya! How are you? Do you intend to go to the London Expo this next upcoming october?
    Fine. Been reading the web novel "Tales of MU". Tis a magical college story. I think you'd like it. I've also been reading the web novel Dead End Streets which can be found here.
    Depends on your definition of good. I've been to busy slowly watching Heroes season one to watch any anime outside of Gundam 00.
    I took Psychology here for a semester. (I'm still in high school though so it's basically considered a filler class here) We have a Sociology class here to but it also more of a filler class. and I heard it's boring.
    And I only have the most vague idea of what I want to do with my life.
    Me too. <3 I've never taken Sociology but it seems interesting to me. And that one makes me laugh.
    I just want to take this VM to say: Your icon in your signature is FREAKIN awesome.
    Dannichu~ It's nearly half term~ That means you should come on MSN some time this weekend so I can talk to you. :x
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