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  • Hey, I got your present. :D It's awesome; I love that big Charizard, and the Kingdra made me smile. :P Thanks so much~

    what are your thoughts on Obama not only being in at least one manga series but having been turned into a japanese schoolgirl
    Hiya! Thought I'd come and wish you a Happy New Year and whatnot; I'm a little late but there you go. :3 How're you? Enjoying being at home for the holidays? X3
    Oh, and also - I finally got hold of some photos of that Pikachu piniata I told you about, remember? Aw, I wish it hadn't got smashed up. XD;
    Aheh. I love that game and Mafia. Last time I played, the people got dealt out so you had like, the person who finds out things and the person who protects people on one sofa and the murderers on the other sofa. xD
    Poor villagers were on cushions on the floor. :x

    Awful Christmas-themed movies are the worst, especially disney ones.

    "Supercali- oh screw it... Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious!"

    Yes, Critical thinking. It's so dullllll! :<
    My biology modules? Well, we're doing chapter 1-6 of our books so. :s
    Christmas here is hot and sunny (summer in Australia is December - February), usually it's about 40 degrees celsius+, but this year we had a cooler christmas, so it was pretty good. It makes me jealous every year that people are playing in snow and pine trees; everything here is varying shades of brown. :/
    Well, when my boyfriend comes back we're going shopping because I received like 150$ worth of vouchers for various clothing shops. I'm also meant to go driving sometime this holidays so I can actually get my licence. My mum is reluctant, because apparently I have a lead foot.
    Well, Christmas was alright, although my boyfriend and his family decided to go on holiday to New Zealand this year, so I didn't see him this Christmas. But Christmas in our family is mostly eating, so it was still good. xD
    Apart from that, not a lot. Our new school year starts in February, so I'm on holidays until then.

    Thankyou! I found it... somewhere and I thought it was really clever. One of these days I'm going to actually upload a picture of myself.
    We WERE going to play Articulate! but we didn't in the end. We played a game, the name of which I'm unsure of, where there's a list that you have to complete. A letter is picked and you fill out your list, completeing the categories with words beginning with that letter.

    Example list: "European Country; Boy's name;"
    Letter: "S"
    You might say: "Slovakia" and "Simon".

    After completing this, you stop and you go around announcing what you have. If you have the same as someone else you cross it out. The winner is the person with the most individual answers.

    We only watched... Well, nothing particularly christmassy. I always remember watching Mary Poppins around christmas though. I think they just don't play it anymore.

    Yes, five exams. Chemistry, biology, physics, maths and critical thinking. I'm revising now. IPMAT! IPMAT I TELL YOU!
    Yes I do have many exams when I get back. 5 to be precise.
    I've had a sore throat but it's subsided. I had a small christmas party/get-together with my friends and we ate pizza. I also had the traditional boxing-day family games day thing.

    I never get DVDs. I never really watch them. :s
    I've been fine. I doubt I've been keeping well with all of the chocolate I've been scoffing down recently. My christmas was fine. I haven't got many plans for new years. Just to work hard. Harder. Even harder again. You know, I want these grades!

    So, now to bombard you! How have YOU been? How was YOUR christmas and things? Are YOU keeping well? Any new years plans? :3

    One additional: New years resolutions?
    Yeah, but in real life being a lawyer's not like that ^^ Apart from it being far more boring, and epic music not blasting into the courtroom when the witness you're questioning starts to crumble and the case is blown wide open, it's not just the defense lawyer trying to overcome the evil prosecutor and get his client proven quite rightly innocent and expose the bad guy and save the day. Ultimately it's all getting murderers acquitted and innocent people sent to jail =(

    I kinda like Biology- it's quite interesting when you think that everything you're learning is going on right now inside your body, you know? All that water being transported up your xylem, and transpiring out of your stomata... I wanted to do Chemistry, in case Trauma Center got me interested in studying medicine, but I really, really wasn't good at it in GCSE, so I left it in the end, which was very much for the best =3

    It's very unfair of them. But I just did it to shut them up. There wasn't much else I was interested in doing anyway, except Psychology, but that clashed with one of my other subjects anyway. They were going on about how whatever I do I'll absolutely definitely need Maths and if I didn't do it they'd eat me. With hindsight I should have just told them to shut the hell up. XD Still, my Core teacher, Dr Razaq, has the best name in the world, so it's not all bad XD
    Eh, it's all good, pretty much ^w^ Do you watch much stuff with David Jason or Ronnie Barker? They're both totally brilliant. If you haven't already, I advise you check out The Two Ronnies, Porridge, Open All Hours, and Only Fools. And if you've watched just the movies and not Flying Circus I strongly recommend you watch that too ^.^

    I'm in year 12, studying Biology, Maths, History and Law. No, I don't want to be a lawyer, epic though it would be if I could get poisoned, slip into a coma, and wake up years later with a cool mask. I'd be a great Godot, but I'd be drinking tea instead of coffeh. Blech. Anyway, I only have Maths and Biology exams. But I HATE Maths. My parents are evil for making me take it.

    So you have a nice long break then ^w^ But not getting to see your family for ages sucks =/ (or rules, I guess, depending how much you like them. Hehe~) What are you studying at Uni?
    IIIIII knoooooow iiiiiit iiiiiis~

    Well, it's a fork, and when you flip a switch the head spins so you can easily pick up spaghetti. I tried it earlier on a bowl of linguini. It's absolutely rubbish, but still the most amazing thing ever =D Anyway, yes, Friends is great. I usually go for British comedy shows (in fact I'm not sure there are any I don't watch XD) but it's such a great show. (I'm quite a bit like Chandler actually, minus the fact that he gets married in the end.)

    My sister's a chef at a hotel in a town near our village. She moved there a while ago, so after New Year I'm getting her room, apparently >=3 I wasn't really around her much- I just spent the whole day playing Digimon World 2003 and Rayman, same as Christmas day- but it's still nice to know she's there. I'm horrible, aren't I? =3

    I go back to Sixth Form on 6th January. And when I go back, I get to do exams! Won't that be fun? XD Which reminds me, I should probably get round to revising for them... When do you go back to Uni?
    You know, I kind of like "Mike" spelt with six "i"s, Danniiiiiichu :3

    Anyway, my Christmas was good. I got many rather awesome presents including a spaghetti fork (don't ask. Unless you want to be stunned by awesomeness), a laptop and the complete box set of Friends. (So I too have an unwatchable amount of DVDs.) My sister had to work, which was kind of a blow, but she was around Boxing Day :3 Spent the whole day trying to arrange a time when me and Dark Shocktail were both free so I could phone her and ask how her Christmas was going, but it didn't happen =( Though her presents arrived waaaay earlier than I expected, which I was severely chuffed with =D

    Plans for New Years... none really. Just sit around and generally be my usual lazy self. You?
    A wonderful one! Got some nice things, got to talk to some people I normally don't get to see..
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