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  • Oh, that's wondrous :D So what's it like being back home? How different is your room, I know you had to get move stuff around? Oh, so you've completed your Christmas shopping? What did you get everyone? I adore Christmas, too <3~

    It's been pretty uneventful, I've pretty much been lounging around on the computer, though I did get some gifts for my friends, which they've recieved already since I won't seem them for Christmas D: (A Storm Trooper action figure of Star Wars, a pair of fluffy slippers, a Nintendo Power Magazine, and Bubblewrap with Chocolate for a white elephant gift exchange.)

    Not much, I'm going to my grandparents on Christmas Eve, and then to my grandma's for Christmas Day :D
    how did u get it to cha ge to butterfree? does it do it by itself after a while or can u change it?
    Oh, Dannichu, I'm sorry I haven't scanned in your present yet. >.< It's awkward to use the scanner and such. Gah. And also, sorry for the horrifically late reply.

    Ehehe, Halloween, let's see... I think I stayed at home, and I didn't even need to answer the door, because my parents did that, oike they do usually. We hardly got any trick-or-treaters - I'm only mostly certain we got any at all, actually. And I proceeded to make sneaky trips downstairs to withdraw sweets like Milky Ways from the bag my parents had told me not to eat or something. Pfft. ;) So what did you do at Halloween? Oh, you're lucky, you must still have plenty of birthday cake to eat on that day... x3

    Hehe, it's awesome that you fence too. Psst... come to my club and fight me! xD Warwickshire is only a few hours away from Kent, right...? Hehe.

    That would be completely awesome.
    Are still alive? I've seen nothing of you since my birthday. ;-;
    Sorry to keep badgering you for every one of your awesome icons I lay eyes on, but the Godot O Rly? Owl is the most amazing thing ever.

    It rivals Fry For God. XD
    Hrr, I'm in need of a refence of Raine from ToS, so I can draw her, and I know you're a fan of her, so, uh, do you have one I could use?
    Sounds gorey...and only somewhat like Warriors but not exactly.

    We all know that kiddo.
    It's good that some people care if about and book's themes. I won't read the Wikipedia article, because Wikipedia is laden with spoilers and such. Well, looks like the beginning of the Official Christmas Season, hooray! I think I'm going to end up with a Blackberry for Christmas, which I like.
    Currently, I'm attempting to learn Spanish. I have a friend who speaks it so she might help me with pronunciation and slang. I haven't seen her in awhile because she lives far away, but she's really nice and I could probably learn better pronunciation if I had someone helping me. I don't think I will ever succeed in my efforts to learn, but it would be useful because of where I live. My parents both speak a little Spanish, but just enough to carry on a basic conversation.
    I saw your comment about Watership Down. I'm currently reading that. Who would have thought that rabbits could be so cool? I haven't gotten a sexist vibe from it yet, but I'm not very far (only about a hundred pages in) so I can't judge it just yet. I bet by the ending the themes will be obvious. It's pretty enjoyable and very creative.
    Yes, you got the description of The Little Prince down just right. It scares me for some strange reason. What's Watership Dawn about?

    Lol. You're a good five hours ahead of me due to timezones. Dont sleep in so late, it's ad for your health.
    I read The Little Prince. It's meant to be a children's book...yet somehow I had a nightmare from reading it. >.> Though I want to get the rest of the books to the current Warriors series, but I don't have the money. Why are you sleeping so much silly?
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