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    hi im light yagami master of evrything would you like to be my friend im sorry im used to talking now i was so shy
    hello someday? um if you would like no maybe we could draw together? im sorry if i botherd you or anything
    I've been sick for this past week. On top of that people in my life are being odd and confusing...
    Oh I plan on it |D Fem!Ed and Fem!Alfons singing Take Me or Leave Me has been bouncing around my skull for WEEKS. I have many Ideas. and now I am going to download every Rent song and draw. wooo.

    Expect to see them soon |D
    xD why thank you. I've been on a Rent kick lately. I keep picturing Edward and Roy from FMA singing Light my Candle and it's vastly amusing.

    WHICH REMINDS ME, I was actually doodling a picture of Ed singing that in my math class, and some guy walked up and said 'That girl's hot'.

    I didn't have the heart to tell him it was a boy...
    Ah, I guess I'll have to be glad that I have those things~ Speaking of cleaners, I organized my pile of drawings, and cleaned my room :D I swear that I'm amused by the simpliest things; I can stare at a washing mashine for hours (well, an hour atleast x3) It's pretty sad actually.

    Eh, I know. I'm not able to have some of the more expensive fruits, or I have them as a treat. (You know it's sad when you're rewarded with fruit~)

    I usually feel sick whenever I eat anything greasy. So you guys call French Fries, 'chips'? What do you call the American term for chips?

    Aww, thank you <3~ It's because of the members that it's so popular. Oh, and I saw your group picture~ It's wonderful, and I love how you've drawn everyone and Salmander and I.

    Oh, I hope to see more of you then. How'd you enjoy the summer, though?

    Asdsljs I just sort of fail agruing on anything. I really can't convince anyone of my viewpoint on things.

    Numeral subject matter hasn't gotten too difficult, yet~ I get what you meant, so don't worry :D

    I get a decent amount of sleep everynight, so I'm not usually tired. That's wonderful that your classes don't start until ten. I have wake up at seven to get to school on time >:

    Ah, so what's the hardest subject for you? It's great that you have less homework, too. I guess it's hard to live on your own money. I procrasnate too much, so I supect that I'll have trouble once I go to uni.

    Oh, you have a fencing club, what's that like, other than being awesome? Wow that's a lot of kids (well, adults, I guess) for one group. Is it difficult for everyone to pay attention?

    Eh, no I don't get paided for libraby work, though t's pretty enjoyable. Appearently it's easier for the librabians to get books out of a series that way. Oh, I've never heard of the Rainbow Magic books, what are they like? I haven't memorized the organization levels, yet :<
    Ahh, I love the Wicked umbrella. They had one at the stall when we went and it was so hatlike and awesome~ But I couldn't afford it. X3;
    ... I have no idea what the round, bunny-like, perky-looking thing is, but I agree that it is freaking adorable. 8D Ah, decisions, decisions.

    Sounds like you might get a lot of snow, then. :D Lucky. We get, uh, slush sometimes? Mm, yay.

    She got a B? *Jealous* X3 I don't really think she has much to worry about, but good luck to her~ I have a sneaking feeling I'll be lucky to scrape a C. Ugh.

    Oh yay, Pushing Daisies. :D It's really short for an American show, though; hope they make the next one longer. And show it soon. Aw, but it does have - erm, wait, I don't know if you've gotten that far yet. Have, uh, Chucks aunts been in it at all yet?
    Also I just remembered something; doesn't Cheno sing at some point in the first few episodes? I seem to remember hearing her sing at some point. Yaaay. :D
    Um um I suppose she hangs out with Chuck a bit. That's not much, though... oh, I can't remember. :/ I wish they'd show repeats on TV.

    Woo, you got the CD~ Her version of Defying Gravity has some bits from the Wizard and I in the middle, doesn't it? It's pretty~ What're the other songs like?

    Oops, I nearly forgot. I have some photos of being green and stuff~ They're not very good, though. X3; I am serious ~ I am not (but have scary red eyes) ~ I have a rainbow hat ~ and I can cosplay Dannichu with it, hurr. X3
    Yeah, when I was in kindergarten, first and second grade, we dressed up like pilgrims and Native Americans and sometimes acted out random things. Our costumes were mainly paper hats and vests, but it was a lot of fun. I was almost always a pilgrim, though.
    Yeah, stealing land from Native Americans kind of sucked. I mean, without that there would be no America, but we weren't even fair. We just thought, "Ooh, savages. Let's take their land!" and that it was rightfully ours.
    Hi Dannichu :) You probably don't know who I am, but I just wanted to say I love your avatar. Heheh.
    Yep, we don't have Bonfire Night (my parents didn't even know what it was). You're lucky that you have it because it at least attempts to make November useful. We have Thanksgiving, which is delicious, but other than eating and getting a few days off, it's only fun if you're a small child who gets to have a mock feast in school and do art projects.
    *sigh*, looks like another October rolled around. I hope you had an enjoyable birthday. October is my favorite month; November is always a bit dull, almost duller than February and January. I think March is the worst, though. Nothing to look forward to in March. And why am I rambling about months? This isn't a "Your opinion on months" thread, it's your profile. So I'll stop.
    Hey, no problem :3 Birthdays are the best days ever, yeah, you get lots of gifts and stuff!
    Heh, "NaNo expert" may be going a liiiittle too far. x3 I hope I can make it up at the weekend, though... my weekdays are pretty busy.

    An art version of NaNo? Sounds awesome, go for it. :D It strikes me that I'm going to have to sorta do that unofficially most days this month myself, seeing as most of the motivational guest speakers aren't drawn yet (and I'm still short of planned ones by a few days - eep).

    Anyway, got some stuff to do and then I have the rest of the night in which to wrestle with my NaNo again. Bah, beginnings; I never could get the hang of them. Wish me luck... @_@;
    Heh, I guess I shold enjoy what I have while it lasts. It doesn't help that I'm a fruit addict, at all. Oh, that sounds fun and epically exciting~ I have trouble eating greasy foods, because it just makes me feel sick :< And of course the US has a bunch of greasy foods. I feel like barfing just think about it. I can't believe what people will shove in their mouths.

    But, I do~ I like commenting at your thread, but I just lazy, and need someone to mango me. Heh, the members are the ones who keep that thread alive. I seriously need to either become active at it, or have someone take over for me. I should try that, too. You have most of the month off for December, right?

    Heh, same here. I always find those things interesting, but I always feel like that if I argue my opinions, they have little support. D: I try not debate on things because I always tend to look like a fool when I do it. Oh, those two sound fun to write about.

    I having a bit of trouble remember things. I'm used to getting things right off the bat. We're learning about osmosis in science at the moment; it's interesting to say the least.

    I can't say up 'til midnight, unless I want to be confuzzled the entire day. It's a good skill to have. It's wonderous that you've made some friends at uni.

    So what's uni like?

    Oh, so far, I'm stamping out books that haven't been checked out for six years, and I've finished that. I think I stamped about five hundred? I'm pretty much starting out, so I haven't done much, yet. Appearently we get books a few weeks/days before they're officially released, which is awesome. We don't organize series by order of release, but alphabetically, why I dislike D: We're expanding the libraby, so everything's disorganized, in a organized way~

    Oh, I might try that.

    Still, it's nice to hear what you do~
    Blame Arylett for the creation of muffintoast, and me, slightly. I tend to say a random food that I want to eat (Non-Alcoholic Sparkling Grape Juice, Toast, Muffins, various types of juice, and other things,) and combining foods is fun~ I got a wafflemaker for Christmas last year, and, yes, I did ask for one x3

    Yay, the world needs Danni-drawings :D I'd better comment soon. I'd sorry for being for lazy commenting on your thread :< I really have no excuse for it.

    Heh, I tend to do the same thing, except I find pretty much anything interesting. I randomly got interested by fungus, becase of my textbook. They're actually quite neat from a biologic point of view. Heck, some of them are parasites that can overtake their host's movements. It's a bit morbid, but it's amazing. Oh, what class was that textbook from? The textbook seems interesting.

    I loathe beginning essays, because I have no idea how to start them. Eh, I'm not fond of things being non-specific, either. Do you mind me asking what essays you have left to do?

    Oh, that's neat; I didn't know that universities had anime clubs. My anime club is nuts, too :D Oh staying up 'til midnight sounds quite enjoyable~
    Oh I've read you mentioning that before. Oh speaking of librabies I'm voluneering at one :D

    Aww, only a year D: I'm enjoying it already. Oh, I might have to find that OST.

    I like your rambly, long, and complaint-filled messages <3~ They're always amusing.
    Six out of thirty, the easiest ones among them. :P I intended to have them all ready for November, so I could use javascript to show the right one for the day automatically, but that didn't work out.

    Good job you included the words "attempt to" there, by the way; the novel side of things is off to a bad start. :( Dammit, I should be writing and at least making it to 1667 before I hit the sack, but I'm so tired... ;;
    xD Glad you like it. :D

    But speaking of which, it is now past midnight where I am... time for motivational guest speaker two!
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