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  • Something tells me your wall's going to be flooded with birthday messages by the end of the day... :D

    So, yeah, Happy Birthday~
    ...Huh? It's your birthday? XD

    I just came here to post a random message. Well, continuing on with the message`

    *munches oven baked peanut butter + honey sandwich*
    *washes down with milk*

    *scurries away*
    My first scratch!

    Fair enough. I always use mine over MSN and places, because the chances of meeting the person who made it and getting laid into are low. ^^;

    Hehe. Looks like you'll have to sit tight~ It's only another... uh, week-ish. X3 I had the radio on in the background last week and suddenly thought "...this voice is familiar." Brave was on the radio and aahhh I love it. Idina keeps popping up on TV shows at the moment, too, which is cool~
    Mweehee. >3
    Argh, I always forget who made all my icons so I get paranoid about using them in case I get pounced on.

    (I might be afraid, but it's my turn to be brave~ X3 Hail YT and it's Idina-music-bringing powers.)
    Hurr. X3

    I love that the IonN's back~ Even if I have to restrain myself from nabbing half of them.
    How's college going for ol' Dannirundle, hmm? Awesomenocity, I hope! Oh, I can tell you're probably overloaded under a bunch of work. Random Scribblings hasn't had an update in a while. ;;Hugs and gives Dannichu Arylettcookies and Arylettwishes;; I hope that Dannichu's workload decreases and that she feels better from any possible stress she may have.

    Also, I hear from someone that you think I'm... perplexing. X3
    Aww, it seem that you need some muffintoast, or something more cheerful. (Like that awesome Plusle, and Minun picture from eons ago.) It's fine, you don't need to draw, unless you do it for your enjoyment. Oh, I wish I could help with your textbook problem, but I find textbooks really interesting and read ahead x3 I hope you enjoy colouring the Emerald City picture, because I think just giving that amazing feeling you give to all of your pictures with your colouring should be enjoyable. I really need to be more active in Obsessive Scribblers.

    Just wonderful; it's my first year in high school, and I'm really having a lot of fun. There's an anime club, where I've met a few new people, one of which is a Phoenix Wright fan. Occansionally we get to use the overhead to play movies and video games. There's a few artists there, too. I'm taking German, which is pretty enjoyable.
    I only remembered you were in Devon after I had no internet? :<

    Seriously, there were wirelesses in the area, but I couldn't connect to any! :O
    Sure, if you PM me your number I'll just send you a text or something to indicate that it's me.

    As for cosplaying, that's a secret. ;3
    You're not pulling my leg are you?! :O

    What are you going as? :3
    Ack! I can't wait to see you if I can! I finally get to meet you after not-meeting you in Devon!
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