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  • Ehe. I had a balloon that lasted a year and a half because I didn't touch it at all; try that to make them last. :P

    Oh, wow. Three rainbow hats! <3 The only problem I have with mine is that I'll have to alternate between wearing it and my Wicked hat. Hey, I bet you'll get snow in Kent! Maybe at Christmas, too. :D Even if it is freezing, that would be awesomesauce~

    Aw, I can't get the green skin + rainbow hat up because it's on my phone. D: But I have others of just green on the camera, I'll have to upload them~
    bvdxlkvd;d - your uni people are awesome. XD Love House's little pot of pills, and I've never seen an Elphie so excited. :D Nice hat, by the way. Mrrow~

    Ew, essays. *Pulls a disgusted face* I hate getting back to work after a massive high. Like next week when I have to get back to school and focus on revising for my maths exam, rather than listening to Disney music and doodling the days away. :(
    Those are officially the best balloons ever! ^_^

    Anyway, sounds great! Glad you enjoyed yourself =D Ugh, I'm gonna be 17 on December 7th... I feel old.

    (No, my age entered on TCoD is NOT genuine. XD)
    Wheee, I'm working on a picture for Dannichu's birthday~! I promise I'll try to make it as awesomenocity as I can. Though with Arylett, you never really know.

    And I'll try to have it done by tommorow, to show you.
    Aw, I'm glad you liked it. X3;
    I read your birthday thread and it sounds like you had an awesome time~ Your uni-corridor people also sound lovely. (House balloons XD) Glad you enjoyed yourself~
    Oh, also - I went out with some friends today and found a rainbow hat in some obscure little shop. 8D I love it to bits (... although it's probably the least Halloweeny thing I could've bought)~ And! I took my sister round trick-or-treating this evening, dressed as a certain green someone... X3 I have a picture of me, green, wearing my new hat that I have to upload. Hurray~

    ... I'm still green. I love this way too much~ X3
    My pleasure, Dannichu! I'm glad you had a wonderful day. :D How does it feel being nineteen?

    Ehe, I dunno whether she or he is female or male either. Oh, oh, and I've been working on something much better for you today, but I might not being able to get it on the computer depending on how annoying the other computer is being. The drawing started out as an attempt at improving my manga-ish style drawing, and I realised that it looked like Glinda, and thought I could carry it on and yeah. xD

    Happy day-after your birthday, by the way. :3
    Why am I not surprised? xD Hehe, Zelos/Lloyd does have the potential to be very cute... the only thing standing between it and me is that Zelos is such a total lesbian. (Still. Zelos!Maureen for the win~)
    ...yes, I think your cruelty has been well-established by now.
    Hm, I just realized... if you think about it, Regal could kind of be Roger as well, except then who would you pair him with...?

    ...dear god, you've really thought this out, haven't you? Maya/Franzy? It's not quite Adriska, but it's cute. xD (So wait... Maya left Gumshoe to be with Fran...)
    And YES. von Karma can totally be Benny. 8D *pre-sugar high*
    That's hilarious. =D Raine makes a perfect Joanne... did you really make Lloyd Angel, though, or are my eyes deceiving me? And... poor Colette. xD (Also, Genis with a guitar is adorable.) I still like Zelos as Maureen, though... except, that would get us Zelos/Raine, and can you get any more cracky? xD (...okay, I'll shut up now.)
    You got a House box set? Damn, you're lucky. I'm hoping to get one this Christmas.

    Oh, It's Haloween today, Bonfire night next week and then Christmas after that. The only thing that would make it any better was if it snowed. :D
    Heh, thanks, I'm thrilled you like it. Sometime that needs to be crossed over completely... just so we can have Zelos singing "Take Me or Leave Me". x3
    You're welcome. I just like going to the birthday part of the forums, and leaving a message for whomever has a birthday.
    And thank you.
    Hahaha, really? I never knew. How ironic. xDD
    But thanks, I'm glad you liked it. If I knew you in RL, I would so throw a party for you. x3
    I'm going to help flood this page with happy birthday visitor messgaes >:D

    Happy Birthday, Dannichu!

    I shall give you:
    A friend
    And a visitor message

    Hey, it's the thought that really counts, right? Right...?
    Happy birthday to you~
    You play a kazoo~
    You look like a Pikachu~
    But you're actually Dannichu~ :D

    My sincerest regards, Danni. x3
    Happy happy birthday, on this your special day!
    Happy happy birthday, that's all I have to say!
    Hapy happy birthday, may all your dreams come true!
    Happy happy birthday, all happiness to you!

    Happy Nineteenth, Danni~
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