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  • I need to spend MORE time reading fanfiction. I wish I could still write it too, having five years off it to go roleplay really took its toll...
    I really, really want to start playing the Phoenix Wright series, so badly.
    I am totally asking for one for my birthday, which is mysteriously fifteen days before yours.
    I say it's a conspiracy.
    Um... do you know any good Presea/Colette fics? XDD; You said ask if anyone wanted any refs... 8D
    I just spotted Espeondansen on Espeon's profile page, and I came here to say that it looks awesome and delightful. 8D
    10:00 is still early. Sort of. XD; That's something quite cool to wake up to, though. Once you get past the "urgh what's going on *blink*" part.

    Lucky you have a TV. That sounds like fun~ (Ah... Rent. I want to see it again. Maybe I'll get it with some of my birthday money. :D) You're having a pretty good time then. XD
    Also: I've never read Pride and Prejudice, or Persuasion... but I'm about to read P&P because I made a deal with my mum. I read that, she has to read Wicked. Because she just refuses to otherwise. D<

    Ah yes, chopsticks. Especially useful for getting pancakes out. X3 Not potato waffles? Surprising. And fish worked? XD

    It's been three weeks and the homework's already gotten on top of me. XD; I'll probably get back into it in a few more weeks, though. Hopefully.
    That sounds...interesting?

    I'm buy with normal high school stuff. Ya know crushes, homework, that sorta thing.
    and yes I cold wach that thing all dqy please dont think im crazy my cumputers messed up and thats how i spell stuff wrong
    digidriverman@yahoo.com sorry its dom bu t please don,t mock me becase i like you:love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: sorry if i spelled anything wrong toll me about your self and tell me about what type of man you like
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