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  • Okay then.

    Yes it is hard, although I'm surprised I haven't gotten behind what with already having missed three days out of the twenyfive or so days we've been in school.

    True, although my half-Japanese friend always complains about how I speak the language. Though Japanese is an aesome language that I might try to minor in when I go to collee in a few years.

    Heh. In Nagasarete Airantou everything is character driven. I watched the series on Veoh.com so if you're interested, I'd watch it there.
    I should be sorry for...spamming your profile.

    Heh, we don't use pottery wheels yet. See we start out making them by hand and as we get better we'll eventually move on o potery wheels. Clay is very hard to use though. Gotta make sure it doesn't dry out completely before you're done, slip and score it, all that stuff.

    A see when I do speak the little I tried learning, I'd just combine the words into how it'd look if it were in English, if that makes any sense to you.

    Nagasarete Airantou is pretty good. It's a comdey series with not much of a plot until the last three episodes though so I'm not sure if it's your thing. Though I'd suggest giving t a chance, as you'll never know if you'll like it or not.
    It is a most marvelous gift, which amuses me. X3

    Spazztastic. XD That's a funny word. He does seem adorable and geeky, man~ Oooh wow, I like that song too! So many good songs in these musicals~

    Spanish subs? X3 I won't mind them. Good thing for Youtube, eh? Then I'd have to go and look for RENT and that would just not be awesomenocity. Oooh, thank you~ I'll go watch it once my mind is able to make sense of things. X3 (I must admit, I am horrendously sleep deprived and therefore cannot make much sense of stuff~ Oh deary me. They make us wake up eaaarly for that school, it starts at 7:15 AM and I have been just argh, stressed. I seem to have developed an inability to go to sleep before 12 AM.)

    Seven... seconds? Hot damn, Danni! Oh, I didn't have enough GRADE for 10x EXP, so I just settled for 2x. Too laaazy to earn it all.

    Colette has the hots for Lloyd, you just cannot pry her off. X3 Several playthroughs just to get her off of him? Darn and I wanted Zelos to like Lloyd... I'm having a bit of a task with this one. (Well, I took the Kratos path in the last game... and I wanted to give Zelos lots of love, to make it up to him. D: I didn't know!) Oooh yeah, I know the field skits, I'm mean to her on them too. Maybe because she's so clueless, that's why it takes her so long to get the hint that Lloyd doesn't like her? X3

    Presea's pretty neat to play as, but she's really slow and I just can't get used to that. And Sheena, when I played as her, I was like "Whoa, slow down there!" Quick one, isn't she? I like to spam Angel Feathers and another one, I can't remember the name, but it's an electrical attack that Colette can use. X3

    Oooh wow, I'll have to go on this sidequest some time~ I'll definately try it out, thanks Danni. ^^ (It was sort of confusing, but like I said, I can't make sense of much right now. X3)

    Oh yeah. :3 I don't have to wake up on the weekend, whooo~ Also... ;;Opens up Phoenix Wright Rom;; Time to make use of that microphone!

    Really? You're leaving to university? Aww, Danni, you must be very nervous. D: ;;Pats you on the back;; I'm sure it'll be fine! I don't think it'll be as bad as you expect it. (Also, think of Wicked. X3 You could pretend it's Shiz University!)

    I might, I might get one, hmm, I'll have to contemplate it~ My sister has one of those, I think. Hmm. A facebook, I mean.

    Oh, Hey You, Pikachu isn't that interesting. It gets sort of old after a while, the gameplay's so simple. X3 But the microphone was really useful~ I've made Pikachu can only understand 200 words, oh poor thing.

    X3 You're right, I did indeed find it very flattering. Certifiably mad! Just that when I think of the word "strange", I tend to think of the negative connotations. Although at least I'm strange in the good way! Yaaay~ I'm mad and strange~ (In the good way~)

    The most intense thing ever, eh? I have heard of it and seen commercials for it. It sounds dramatic-ish. Oh, Arylett can take a fair share of violence! Maybe I'll go check out what channel it's on~

    And I'll have to check out House too. :3

    ;;Lassoed even further into Dannifandoms;; Whee~
    I knew you would like it! After all, you're the one who came up with it. X3

    And Dannichu broke her previous record for the longest visitor message! Oh wow, Danni, you are impressive. I mean, how knowledgable you are on these subjects! RENT sounds fantastic, the cast sounds really awesome and diverse~ They're not perfect people and that's what interests me! (They're all misfits, oh, I love misfits, because I am one~) Wow, I have to find this somewhere. ;;Puts it in list with Wicked;; Whee, I think I like Mark the best out of them. He's cute. :3 Glaaaasses~

    Are there any more Dannifandoms that you would like to tell me about? :3 (Besides ToS~ I haven't played it in ages actually, oh wow. D: I need to play it again and see if I can get that sticky Collette the hell off of Lloyd. D< She just... she just likes him too much! Nooo, go away, you annoying girl with your annoying voice! Even though I play as her all the time. X3 Geez, I'm hypocritical~ It's the wings, I'm just a sucker for angel wings, I mean, look at who's my avatar! ;;Rambling about ToS;; Well, I'll ask you a question! What are the Devil's Arms~?)

    Getting paid doesn't suck that hard. X3 I only have to do it for around 40 minutes each day, a period out of my school day~ It does, though, it's not technically volunteering if you HAVE to. X3 Oooh, but I do have fun~ I met this girl (the other one who helps out at the library) and we just ramble on about Harry Potter all the time and it's great that I've made another friend~

    You're leaving work? Why? D:

    Geez, six hours! Your parents are cool. X3 My mom would never want to drive somewhere for that long just so I could hang out with a "bunch of funny people", as she calls them. I can't go with my friends though, since I only have just one, and she's always busy and stressed out all the time. My mom's the only one who could take me, so yeah, I'll probably never go to one of those. D: (Maybe when I'm older...)

    X3 You think I'm cunning because I took a Hey You, Pikachu! microphone, plugged it into my computer, and made it work for a DS ROM? (Yeah, that's what it is~ A Hey You, Pikachu mike. X3 It actually works for a real computer! I was bored one day and just plugged it in and it worked.) Aww Danni, you should totally get a mike! I've done a voice chat and trust me, they are. COOL. I was all: "Oh my God, this person lives on the other side of the world but it's like I'm talking on the phone with them!"

    Oooh. I don't think I'd have much use for Facebook. I don't really have a lot of friends~ And already, I've got a MySpace and I only have like 8 friends on my list. X3

    You think I'm really strange... in a good way? X3 How in the world does that work?

    Because long messages are just :D
    Ooooh. X3 I like it~ Your usertitle, I mean. You inspired me to change mine too. XD I just really liked the way that sounds, certifiably mad. It just HAD to be a usertitle.

    RENT? Oh Danni, go on, go on! I want to hear about Bohemians now~ (Leave me another awesomenocity long message, I rather like reading these actually~) I haven't seen it, nope. But go ahead and do feel free to rope me into another Dannifandom. X3 ;;Imagines you tying a lasso around me;; My imagination, it's too overactive~ Also, I really like the song. :3 ;;Has listened to it three times;; La Vie Boheme~! Oh my God, it's just so wonderful~ I'll have to rent RENT or something~ Deary me, Danni. X3 You keep lassoing me into all these Dannifandoms~ (I don't mind. My sister, aye, she does the same thing.)

    It's cool. I probably would've been too lazy to Wiki it anyway. X3

    Oooh, I see. I'll have to get this sequel too~

    Oh yeah, I help out. :D I don't get paid or anything, I do it for community service hours, which are required to graduate from my high school. It's just the school library and I work with another girl, since I'd probably screw something up if I worked alone. X3 Also, it is pretty nice and quiet, so I can hide in the textbook room if I don't want anyone to bother me. That place is empty~ Good for reading though. X3

    ;;Learning things;; Ah, so I see. It isn't celebrated as much there? Oh wow. D: But you have a convention! We never have conventions here, it's like the middle of nowhere. We're probably very, very far from any major important city and thus no conventions for Arylett. D: (Also, my mom... eh, I don't think... well, it'd be really weird to go to a convention like that with her. She already thinks my interest in Pokémon is very strange.) That would be cool~ :3 Wheee, you guys should do it!

    Don't worry about the microphone, I've got the whole thing figured out! You see, I have a computer microphone and I can use that as the DS mike. I've tested it out and it works. Ooh, thank you Danni, I'll be sure to drop you a message if I get stuck. :3

    I've seen Dannirundle's facebook. X3 I don't have one~ Nice rainbow hat though, it's very Dannichu-ish. XD Oh yeah, they need lots and lots of rainbows! And you can supply the rainbows, rainbows~ (Also, eep, I'm so sorry if my messages with Jason-Kun are creepy. D: I hope you don't think I'm like, totally a weirdo. Well, you probably do since I ramble on about weird things. Sometimes I just don't know when to stop. D:)
    I kno but clay's so messy and hard to work with. It's especially annoying because if you don't slip and score, it'll break and turn out completely wrong, like my first ceremic...project did.

    I tried to teach myself Japanese by using an English-to-Japanese/Japanese-to-English dictionary but it eventually got stolen so yeh.

    Heh. I only take Spanish because it's the one I'm most fimiliar with. If it weren't for that I would've went with French.

    Thanks. Despite how I act around my friends, I have a bit of low self-esteem. I suck at all math past a fourth/fifth grade level. And yes calculators are the best Mathmatecal inventions ever.

    Hey is your sig Gif(it is a Gif right) of a character from Nagaserante Airountou (I'm not sure I spelt that right.)? I LOVE that anime, especially Rin.
    Aheh. If you go on Saturday, I may be there only after 2pm. If you go on Sunday, I'm available all day.

    ...If I go at all.
    Heh, I guess Arylett and I do have odd conversations. OH well. Yeh my classes this semseter are cool. Well except for Ceremics. That class is much harder than I was led to believe it to be. I had no idea we'd be making the stuff out of clay, rather than glass.

    You wanted to take Spanish? Heh, I've wanted to take Japanese but my school only offers Spanish, French, and German. Out of those three though I chose Spanish. Still not sure why.

    Yes repeating Algebra I sucks. I also hate math of all kinds. Well all kinds past basic Elementry level math. Heh. You must think I'd stupid, right?
    It's no problem really. Heyhey are you going to the MCM expo thingy in London? :O
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