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  • XD The stick part of piñatas always seems to be a hitch - whenever we have one, we end up using an empty bottle or something. :P A ski pole is a novel idea, though.

    It's so loud. x_x And then I don't want to get out of bed until I've listened to the whole song. I'm Not That Girl would just make me go 'D:' and go back to sleep.

    Ahaha, you're already spreading the RENT love~ That's awesome. X3

    Wow, that's one tiny kitchen. But, uh, at least you got one at all? XP Toasters are silly anyways, they... electrocute. If you stick a fork in them. XD (Was that you? I can't remember.)

    12:45? On a Tuesday? ... No fair. ;>> Try 6:30.
    Not bad. Very busy with school stuff and band.
    So uni? Sounds exciting! I still have about three years left of high school before I go to the American equivalent.
    (Haha I just had an idea for a picture for your birthday XD)

    Aw, the pinata was awesome~ It had the little arms and ears and feet and tail... of course, its head came flying off when it got smashed and some guy ran off with it on his head... but it was funny in a weird way. ^^; Also I'm amused I'm listening to Defying Gravity right now. XD I've set the CD as my alarm and been violently awoken by 'No-one Mourns the Wicked' the last few days.

    Wow. XD That's either extremely lucky or maybe the uni is full of Rentheads. Second option hopefully~ :D But yeah, glad you're settling in and having fun and stuff. You get a room all to yourself? Cool~ (... I can no longer contemplate anything to do with a university without humming Dear Old Shiz, I just noticed.)

    Enjoy your lie-ins at the weekend~ X3
    dbhjsks THAT'S OKAY XD

    I did have an awesome day~ Oh, yeah, you'll love this - my friends made me a Pikachu pinata. XD It was lifesize and so adorable, I'll have to get the pictures off someone's phone. (I couldn't bring myself to smash it though, someone else had to do it. X3;) And, and! I got the Wicked OST. So good~

    Ooh, are you in Kent yet? Feeling... uni-student-ish?
    So far the work is okay, but I am getting quite a lot. x3

    You're not a moron! Well, okay, so you took biology and chemistry... but I'd say that means you're brave.

    Eh, frees are okay. Some are pretty fun and some aren't very fun. It depends on whether there are people who I like to talk to. ^^; Sometimes I sit and draw things, sometimes I talk, and sometimes I draw and talk. I have been drinking a lot of water since I came to the sixth form, though, and going to the toilet more regularly takes up a bit more time.

    Oh, I was really pleased with my GCSE results. I got an A* in French and German, As in English Language and Lit, and to my amazement, I managed to get a B in maths. :D Others were all Bs apart from IT and statistics, in which I got Cs, and those were fine. Thanks for asking. :3

    It is pretty cool. Well, all right, I love it. :D Hm, there are three girls with blue hair that I can think of. There's Tamao, Nagisa's roommate and best friend, the student council president of Miator who I think's called Rokoujo, or something like that, and a younger girl who has a crush on Nagisa. Rokoujo is adorable.

    I really hope uni is fun for you and that you're settling in fine. You're already there, right? xD
    I'm in Year 12 now, and it's going great so far, thanks. I love taking only four subjects. :3 I can definitely see some of the differences between GCSE and A level already. Like our language lessons are spoken with much more of the language.

    Heh, the girl in my profile picture picture is Tsubomi from Strawberry Panic. She is adorable. :D
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