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  • ...You're not going to draw Espeondansen in your scribblings thread, are you? D:

    Aww, it's nice to say goodbye properly. Good on you. :3
    Fortunately for you, there's no Espeondansen.
    ...It'd look weird.

    Anyway, how are you?
    Still in High School. Okay this is gunna take some explaining. At my school we go to four classes a day. 9-10th Graders ake 4 classes a semester whilst 11-12th Graders take 8 clases a semester. So I'm uspposed to take two core classes and two electives this semester and the same next semester. My schedule got screwed up though so now I'm taking three electives this semester with one core class and three core classes next semester with one elecive.


    1st Block- Spanish I (Elective
    2nd Block- World Lit. (Core)
    3rd Block- JROTC ARMY I (Elective
    4th Block- Ceremics I (Elective)


    1st Block- Intro Team Sports (Elective
    2nd Block- World History (Core)
    3rd Block- Physics (Core)
    4th Block- Algebra I (Core; I'm repeating this class cause I failed it last year due to having a bad teacher...amongst other issues.)
    Hmm, oh really? X3 You always have awesome usertitles, so this one that you've been meaning to have will probably be sweet~ (Also, Arylettdansen is going to be pretty funny~ If I ever draw it~ I probably will, I love drawing myself~ ;;So egotistical;;)

    That's exactly why I asked for it! I opened that box, Danni dear, and I fully expected you to give me this nice juicy looong message~ Whoo, it sounds really nice. :3 And that song... just wow. ;;Is IMMENSELY surprised they're not together;; It was just... beautiful~ And it sounds so sad and so tragic. D: She dies? Oh dear. Poor Elphaba. I think I like it though, the plot sounds really rich and like, dramatic and tragic, and I love things like that! And if the book's plot is even more elaborate, then WHOOO, I NEED to find this thing. I'll have to search for it in the school library~ It won't be too hard to find, I have connections. :3 (I'm librarian's assistant~ Wheee~ Yay for working at libraries, eh Danni?)

    Also, I just read some of your conversation with Kinovacakes. Wow, you're going to dress up as Elphaba for Haloween? That sounds really awesomenocity~ Oh wow~ I want to get a cool costume too, but I'm not sure what I should dress up as~

    I already liked that phrase, OBJECTION! X3 (I already downloaded a Phoenix Wright ROM, I'll go plaaay it.) Thanks for telling me which order to play them in, I was a little confused. X3 I didn't know which one was first~

    Oh come on now. X3 Dannirundle just slides off the tongue~ I can't explain why I like it, I just like the way it sounds~ So much pure awesomenocity there. XD

    And wow, I'm certifiably mad! Now I have my madness certificate. Yay~ Now I can be mad officially! (You're going to think I'm even MORE mad, but I just imagined Danni Duffy the Vampire Slayer and it is just... ;;Goes into a fit of giggles;; XDXD Oh my God, Danni, you'd make an AWESOME vampire slayer. Use your rainbows to slay those vampires, we all know how much they hate rainbows~)
    We get out in late May so I'm not sure how muc earlier we get out then you UKians. What's Sociology?
    I've been back in school for almost six weeks. You're going to uni.? What do you plan to major in?
    Cornelia Funke... I know that name from somewhere - shoot, I can never remember these things. *wiki's her* ...Ooh. Inkheart~ And The Thief Lord, that's it.
    I loved that Son of a Witch was dedicated to Idina Menzel and Kristen Chenoweth and all the Wicked-y people. X3

    Ehe, I checked her timetable on the bus. It's really odd seeing her around school, though.
    Eh, they were okay~ I'm seriously sleepy because I forgot how early I have to get up, but other than that it's pretty much the same as last year.

    No please no not tonight can't have a seat - what? X3 It's so bouncy and froovy... but I get all mixed up when it comes to the "In honour of the death of Bohemia..." bit because it's in a different order to the movie and it confuses me too much. :P
    (You're not the only one who does that XD)

    Aah, you should be Elphie~
    Uni's first impression of Danni: "At the end of October, I'm going to be green. X3"
    There must be a Glinda candidate somewhere there.

    Wow. O.o That's expensive. But then, it got to be the sparklyest (sp.? Is it a word?) thing on Broadway, so~ Elphie's dress was gorgeous, though it's a shame from further away it just looked black. The pictures in the programme showed it off, you're right~

    Nah, s'alright, I do it all the time. X3 Depending on what I'm currently absorbed by.
    Thank you, Danni dear~ X3 (Maybe I should draw this sick, sick thing... ;;Is intrigued by sick idea of Arylettdansen;;)

    Say, why don't you tell me some more about Wicked? ;;Interested;; Or maybe Phoenix Wright? I want to know why everyone's always shouting OBJECTION! all the time.

    Dannichufandomism is good~

    (Also, now that I know your last name, I keep wanting to call you Dannirundle. Because Rundle is awesomeawesomeawesome. :D Or Danni Duffy the Vampire Slayer. X3)
    Why yes, Danni, I am~ ;;Very, very happy. Does Arylettdance. No, not Arylettdansen like carmelldansen, ArylettDANCE. Arylettdansen is a sick, sick idea;; I don't need to hope~

    (In response to your usertitle.)
    It will be remarked, and if I don't get the A, I'm going to retake that test.
    Ohhh, I was one mark off of an A in Chemistry. The Teacher wants it to be remarked.
    I guess his other stuff just isn't as widespread here yet. :/ Still, I hope you find them~ And judging by the way he rambles about how much he loves British writers (and people and stuff in general) in the intro bit of Wicked, I bet he'll want to do something over here when it comes out. Hopefully. :D

    Ah, lucky. Although not having half terms doesn't sound like much fun. D:
    Nope, I'm not back until tomorrow. My sister's starting there too, which I find really weird. o.o

    It amuses me that I actually got my head around all of that. X3
    I mainly prefer the movie stuff - musical version of Light My Candle threw me completely because Mimi sounded weird and I didn't know why... because I hadn't noticed exactly what I was listening to - but there's something about the musical La Vie Boheme I like, I dunno. It's so bouncy~

    Halloween costumes at a birthday party = win. Seriously :D Mine's always when everyone's getting back into school again so we're all concentrating on that until I realise it's three days away and then have fun trying to come up with something to do in a teeny space of time. S'fun. :3

    Oh yes, the broom. That was cool. X3 And you've seen Derren Brown live? Wow~ HIs shows confuse me so much. :P

    ... I'm trying to think of a character who had a happy ending in Wicked. Erm...
    *Some five minutes later* ... >>; I actually can't think of anyone. Unless you count the Wizard, but the only one happy about his ending was him.
    Plus the musical is so much more sparkly, which is very Galinda~ X3 OH YES I don't know if I said before, but Glinda's dress in Act Two (the one she wore during For Good)... I actually think it's the most glittery item I've ever seen. Including glitter itself. o.O

    I was just in the Artwork forum and misread "Graphic" as "Gelphie". I'm blaming you entirely. x_x
    Actually, I got a B in music. I would have got an A, had it not been for those meddling bad flute playings of mine! D:

    A's - English Lit, Physics, Biology, Maths
    B's - Music, French, English Language, Chemistry, Religious Education.
    C's - Art and Design, Catering.
    4 A's, 5 B's and 2 C's. Okay, maybe not FUDGE, but I do feel I underacieved in Music and Chemistry.
    Er, sorry...? XP But those are really good interviews~ I love it when authors take into consideration what the readers might be thinking about and sort of speculating along with them. And I didn't know there was going to be a sequel to Son of a Witch! :D Hopefully we'll find out about Liir's kid, and whether the Animals have been made equal again, or whether Oz has got a leader that'll last longer than a few years and aah I'm all hyped about it now. :D

    Aww. That quote is so depressingly sweet. X3

    Huzzah, IotN~ Although the Yotsuba one you have at the moment is really cute. When're you off to uni, then? Doesn't the university term start after the school one...? I dunno. :P

    You have a genorous friend there. XD Ehe, I love the musical version of La Vie Boheme. I mean, I love the movie version too, but the musical one has exra bits that make me giggle. X3 £11 for Avenue Q, that's pretty good... Schadenfreude is now going round my head.
    (Oh, it's, um, the 15th September. Yours is... eh, the 30th October, right? I remember something about it being the day before Halloween, I think.)

    Oh! I was far too impressed with the bit in the musical where Elphaba got mad and made Nessa's chair slide around by itself. It is a cool wheelchair. X3

    Or they could at least have been in it to take the mickey out of the Avaric-Fiyero guy; I found it really weird that no-one inside the play was like "What happened to you?" towards Fiyero's complete change of character. :P

    I was gutted when I finally got what was going on with the whole Melena/Frex/Turtle Heart situation... and he died and ugh it's sad. Why is everything in this book so depressing ;;

    XD Liir and Tourism. *Cracks up laughing* But - uh - yeah. I actually quite liked Trism until the whole "something's happened with him and Candle and we're not sure what but it's bad" bit. D:

    Oh, well. XD
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