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  • I know! I do the exact same thing on youtube. I start off with, say, a music video. Before long, I end up watching some Japanese game show or news bloopers or something. xD

    And I just naturally wake up at 10. Don't know why. And I added you on MSN.
    Ah, yes, that youtube video could keep me up into the witching hours with it's pure, unbridled bizarreness. xD I'm usually up till 12 or 1 in the morning. It's like... when I feel most comfortable going to bed. And I always get up at 10 AM. If only school followed that schedule, I'd be pretty well off. xD Hey, you have MSN by any chance? (Windows Live- whatever. xD)
    Ah, no, it's only 6 PM over here. I'm just finishing up a game of Half-Life 2. And watching nothing in particular on TV. You?

    Or better yet, what are YOU doing up at 2 am? *shot*
    Hey, I don't think we've ever met before. But I felt like saying hi. Hi! xD
    Wow, that scares me slightly, though not as much as Disney manga, which exists, as to if that's a good thing I've yet to decide. I guess you can make a manga about anything, and you'll get it published.

    Oh, I've kinda liked the Wizard of Oz before Wicked existed, but I wasn't a fangirl by any means. I have to say that I adore Wicked almost to a fangirly extent :D

    It wasn't bad, it's just not the sort of thing I enjoy, and I guess you're the same. (Ah, sorry I was giggling, it had nothing to do with that, but I still feel bad D:)

    Postage seems liked it'd be a hassle since Europe recieves things after America. I guess you could always use online scans....

    I adore it <3
    You've been my sad collection of manga with the mention of anime con :D I've actually heard of Oz: The Manga, no I've looked at it before, not heard it x3 Alot of those sound interesting. I've read a bit of FMA, because my friend Katheryn has it, which she kindly let me read (in addition to Absolute Boyfriend, which was a romance manga that I could have gone without reading, and a bit of Godchild, which I didn't even finish the first chapter due to sleep, and mention of Keyblades, but you'd probably rather go without that story.)

    Speaking of Yotsuba, I bought the third volume, yesterday :D
    We always start school this early. Some parts of the country start a little later, but not a lot. Must be an American thing.
    Sorite, I was on holiday for the last two weeks in Devon. I went to some place called Ilfracombe, if you know it. You'd like it there purely because of 2 shops.
    "Rainbow Laundrette's" and "Rainbow fish and chips".
    Thanks. I generally try to choose icons that make me laugh so I'm happy that they make other people laugh too. I've started school again so I've been a bit busier than I'm used to.
    I usually just go to look for help with projects, i.e. fursuit making and whatnot. xD
    I do? I'm surprised x3 Ah well, thank you.

    You're in the same boat as me now :D It's frusrating, but you're still able to show the world wonderous drawings <3

    Oh, you're welcome, though I don't see why anyone wouldn't like them as much I do~

    Yay for ye olde drawings :D If you'd like you can see my horrid drawings from seventh grade, and the beginning of eighth. I actually don't like my doodling style, it's too messy x3 I still would like to see it, it'd give me a way to see how quickly you improve. Anyways from what I heard (err..read) you used apatations for the Ice-type.

    I'm actually sort of like that, too, but I tend to have things out in a way that I can find (though I need to sort my drawings x3)

    Oh, it's quite good; My mother and I made two loaves, it already gone x3 I used to eat banana chips, and from what I remember they're wonderous. I actually wonder why we stopped eating them D:

    I'm pretty sure you'll get along, or at least stand your roomie. If not I'd gladly switch with her. *mango'd* You'll probably get your alone time, because she'll be out and about some days, most likely. I'd probably be insanely annoying to my room mate; I tend to be annoying in RL. It's a wonder that people who are my friends enjoy me~

    All of those sound wonderous~ I've been reading my collection of books, tis a fun task.
    *Crosses fingers and hopes for space on campus* :P
    Oh, dear. I dread trying to clear out my room (of course, it's for living space and not trundling off to uni but still) so, um, have fun with that. x3;

    Uhum yes Wicked was amazing :D My immediate thought after everyone stopped clapping was "I want to see it again, why are we leaving...?" And I've rambled on about it loads in a half-finished PM so I'll shut up for now.

    I have a feeling the usertitle might change to something Thank Goodness related soonish :P Currently stuck on that and No One Mourns the Wicked (Have a little drink of green elixir~)
    Oh, that's wonderous to hear, save for the art thread, nuuu ; ; I shall try to keep it alive with reviews, and if I could (despite my need of one) I get you a scanner, because the world needs Dannichuart <3 I always find your art to be uplifting and I've been disappointed that I haven't seen more lately ; ; It'd be torture not to see it.

    Oh, I remember you mentioning a Ice-type Ninetails that you drew, awhile ago, and I want to see it, if that's possible, of course <3~

    I tend to be semi-tidy, so cleaning would be a minor problem for me, and cooking is actually quite fun (I've been begging my mom to wake me up to fix banana bread <3) I don't like the idea of living in the same room as someone else. I like to keep to myself a lot, and having someone else there frusrates me. :< I don't mind online as much because you can slowly take one detail to your attention, rather than an overload, when you're upset.

    Eee, that makes me want to listen to it more~

    They're good for a lot of things, Danni, not just one <3~ They're wonderous, vividly colourful, and cheer me up bunches, too, plus a lot of other things <3

    Ooh, I love the icon of the now, it's always amusing to look at :D

    Nuuu, not 'til Friday D: I hope you enjoy yourself while you're away from here.

    I like reading insanely long vistor messages :D
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