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  • It looks really cute. :3 I'll buy it the next time I'm there... which shold be really soon, I can't stay out of bookstores. I ended up getting Fruits Basket 15, which was a big disapointment. Definitely my least favorite volume. >>
    X3 It's funny when that happens. I've watched several Wicked/Avenue Q videos on YT and realised halfway through, I've seen this on TV O.o I just didn't realise what it was.

    Ah, maybe I'll see them if the Icon of the Now makes a comeback. And I just call it the message wall thingy... because I'm so good with the technical terms. :P

    Eee I'm hoping to get the OST for my birthday~ Even if it doesn't have Nessa's crazysong on it, it's still wonderful~
    "You want to take my chair away, isn't that right?" XD That makes Boq's "Uh, no. No! It's because, um, because..." bit funnier. Hehe.

    I didn't know he was married to a guy. X3 I did wonder why there was so much - ah - flexibility in Wicked, though. (Crope and Tibbet, Galinda, Melena, Frex and Turtle Heart... not counting Liir, Candle and Trism (was that his name?)) ... It's a shame it all got missed out of the musical. (Especially Crope & Tibbet, they were funny~)
    Everyone I know that went - all two of them - loved it! I knew I should've gone. ;; I just get so freaked out in crowds. I'll definitely go next year, I think. Also, I want your bag! Also also, I saw Yotsuba in my local bookstore - they have a pretty decent selection. should I get it? What's it like?
    Eww... It was in the sink and has more than just chocolate syrup in it. The hardened syrup was the only thing that stayed when I rinsed it, and it looked like a face, so I took a picture of it to show you, then posted it on your profile, then you replied saying it looked yummy and I told you it wasn't.

    Do you have a collection of faces or something? I love those.
    Haha; I can imagine! I practically kidnapped a girl with a Fruits Basket purse/bookbag thing. It had Death Note AND Fruits Basket pins on it. x.x;; Said she got it at Otakon. Knew I should've gone. ;;
    Ehe. X3 I hadn't even heard of Wicked the first time I saw the episode, but when I watched it again I was all ":DD look look Popular look Wicked mugs and look they're in the bubble :D" So, uh, yeah. Blasphemy texting during a show, blasphemy.
    March of the Fiyero Hunter is still going strong, I see. XD As Long as You're Mine does have some weird lyrics, though.

    That icon is awesome. Awesome~

    I've got Dancing Through Life on a loop at the moment X3 Newfound love for it. Also Nessa and Boq's little bit is sweet~ Nessa? - Yes? - Uh, Nessa.
    Hey Danni. :D I wanted to tell you about this awesome t-shirt I saw today: It was one of those iPod logos with the black figure and white iPod. It was Pheonix Wright in the 'Objection!' pose with the iPod on and it said 'iObject!' across it. That's all.
    I've missed you I just got internet today there is so much I have to tell you but one thing in particular but I wrote it in a small letter so I don't know if I should tell you but it's bothering me so much I don't know

    Oh but I'm so happy I can talk to you again. I could cry. But I won't.
    I don't know if you watch Ugly Betty at all, but they're showing re-runs on TV at the moment (uh, 11am channel 4 or an hour later somewhere) and monday's one where they got to see Wicked on broadway. :D They show bits of the actual show and someone ends up in Glinda's bubble and stuff. Just thought I'd mention it. xD;

    Also; your last user title was so obscure i didn't get it for ages. :p Current one's easy.
    I was washing the dishes the other day, and one of the bowls had some chocolate syrup in it. Upon closer inspection, it looked exactly like a face, so I took a picture. I'm trying to figure out how to get it from my camera to my computer. Once I do, though, I'll send it to you right away.
    Not a problem; they're wonderous to look at :D
    They're not as bad as my older drawings, which look like they're drawn by a different artist, who wasn't skilled at all x3 Oh I'd love to see my FireRed team as Pokémorphs, but I'd have to finish my Raine picture first (and a lot of other requests.) I remember that, too, and I didn't even post in your thread at that time (darn my former self) D: I'd love to see your Pearl Team. I got Diamond, myself x3
    I miss your Pokémorphs, they're wonderous :D

    I really like the names you give them (Mel, Nina, Gail are just fanta-ish.) Are they named after some of your Pokémon in your game? How long ago was this drawn, it looks awesome?
    Hi-ho the Ratlynn Bog, the bog down in the valley-o
    Hi-ho the Ratlynn bog, the bog down in the valley-o~

    Darn song (that werebranches stem from) D:

    Ah, I'm wondering if you still have that random scribblings of Pokémorphs? I really liked those pictures, and how you applied the Pokémon features to them, while making them completely human.
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