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  • ; ; So how much internet access will you have while you're there? I hope you enjoy moving and stuff~, though the thought of leaving my home is scary enough. What are you looking foward to? I really hope you enjoy it there <3~

    I might do that, and thank you for the information on that <3 I still am not fond of downloading things, but I might have to listen to the soundtracks.

    You actually got me into Yotsuba, from all of your drawings, and the manga pages you had in your signature <3 I was finally convinced to get Yotsuba once I read the fourth volume from my friend at camp, who happened to be a fan of it <3
    Bassoons are under-appreciated! That's why I want to grow up and teach bassoon to little kiddies. Because nobody knows what a bassoon is and how you can make them go "Bom-bom-bom, baw baaaw" and stuff.
    Also, contrabassoon. But the exam kind of... uh... meh! Well, I'll probably pass, but I could have done a lot better. That sort of thing.
    Rain is cool! I like to whip out the umbrella and take walks in the rain. When I'm really bored... ahah... XD and I need to sort out my room, because we moved house and there's some boxes of plushies and things like that that I need to put somewhere. I found a pink spotty beanie baby that smells funny.
    I have this cool tub of hama beads! It contains 10,000 (not any more since I started using them of course, kehehe) in 41 different colours (I think that was it) and it came with like 6 different shapes you can put them on! And I used the giant heart, I'm going to stick some ribbons on the evil heart and reinforce it with some blu-tack on the hat, and then I'll show it to the guy who drew an evil heart for me in the first place so he can facepalm and yell "What have I done?!" and stuff. (:
    Hiiii. Umm, I've been bored, I was just reassembling an evil heart made out of hama beads, and this morning was my bassoon exam... umm, the usual! How's life?
    Yaaay~ That's awesome! :D
    Fear is good. x3 I'm sure it'll be great. Going to uni-ish places and doing uni-ish things~

    Aaah I've been to London and saw Wicked (:D!!) but I'll try and smush it into a PM before I take up your entire visitor message wall-thingy with Wicked-y ramblings. (But oh my goodness, it was amazing. The set (the Dragon) the costumes the singers oh Elphaba's singing~ Wow :D)
    Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were already packing everything ;; I'm sorry about that, and I have no room to talk on updating art threads. I hope everything is going well, packing wise.

    Thank you for that link <3~ I don't believe I'll use it, though, ads scare me, a lot. I have trouble reading things on computers, too D: Thanks, though. I was finally convinced to get Yotsuba after Adrienne had the fourth volume, and let me read it. It was just so adorable and wonderous <3 Ah, so how did you stumble upon Yotsuba&!
    Hi Danni~
    I really need to get to that Raine picture, though. (and even though I've neglected my art thread, I want to see an update in Random Scribblings sequel x3)

    How many volumes of Yotsuba&! are there, by the way?
    Except once you leave to go to uni or whatever, we can be together in our, uh, away-from home-ness. :D?

    I still need to send your letter.
    I've done a few more caramelldansen ones, but I've deleted most because they weren't very good.
    The Enterprise shooting out the Telletubbies' sun instead of a torpedo (don't ask).
    The Firefox icon in various situations.

    Those are the only ones that I can remember ATM.

    At first I thought the scarf would be hard, but it wasn't as hard as doing things like filling in the parts below the scarf or hair (if you look closely you can see the same bit copied and pasted all over the place, but I tried to avoid that the best I could).
    Although I'm sure that since I added the scarf last of all (I considered not adding it at all if it hadn't turned out that well) the experience I gained from doing the rest first made it much easier.
    That was probably the hardest thing I've made so far because I had to add bits instead of just moving things around. Also I had to try and keep it looking like you drew it. The only thing is that the quality went down a bit as I uploaded it, like how the things on the background aren't as clear.

    I still prefer the original. :)

    *Is the longest visitor message I've ever written*
    You're welcome.
    I had fun making it, I've been making loads of gifs recently.
    I couldn't make the rest of the hat (the bit that makes me want to call it a Link hat xD) but it still turned out better than I expected.
    Okay, so I've been very bored over the holidays.
    (if you really want to see how bored I actually was, look at the first post of page 26 of "lie about the above user")

    Anyway, to cut a long story short, since I adore your artwork so much I decided to animate your profile picture.
    Oh, I was right then. I wasn't sure because I pay little attention to this stuff. ^^; I'm sure you'll do fine, don't worry~

    I was making toast the other morning and had the song stuck in my head, so I had to try and Tango Maureen around the kitchen. It was fun :3
    I'm not sure if this is right, but I think the results to the scary sixth-formery exams are coming out tomorrow? I dunno if it's different in your area or what, buuut I just wanted to wish you luck and stuff.
    Good luuuck~

    I'm done. :3
    Do you know where I might be able to watch House online because you made me want to. I'm going to go look for it.

    EDIT: I found some but they are season 4. Oh well, I will watch out of order~
    Well, Bristol is one of the universities that do Veterinary. I have a list...


    ...Yeah, not to big a choice. That and I may not get the required grades. D: I really hope I do. This has been my dream job since I was knee height! D:
    Would be kinda cool to meet someone from TCoD though. xD
    I should hope so! D:
    Otherwise I'll NEVER get into a veterinary university course. For all you know, we may end up in the same university.

    espeon_155 viewed my profile. I can't help but feel that some of the other Espeons want my username. *shifty eyes*
    Oh, sneakysneaky Dannichu! What a crafty being you are! D:

    Actually, I have a laptop in my bedroom anyway, so I can just use that quite freely. My parents always want me to leave after using it for a certain ammount of hours, which I hate. Not like I have better things to do. Seriously, do they have things to do other than nag too? D:

    Yeah. I'm afraid of my GCSE results. I fear it may spell "FUDGE".
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