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  • Stressed? Don't worry my little Dannichu, it'll all be fine. I get my GCSE results some time. I can't remember when though. How good at this am I? xD

    I'm just normally being on TCoD, maybe being annoyed at my parents. Talking to internet friends. How's your holiday been?
    Bah. Well you keep your Raine. She has a freaky middle frame! D:

    So uh, how are you?
    Ahhh! Your avatar froze for a bit and was like giving me a facial expression which said:
    "Mm... Hello there, rawr."

    ...Disturbing avatar! D:
    I've really missed your art, lately. ;; It's always happy, which makes me very happy, and I adore commenting on it, which I should do soon x3

    Ah, sorry for the late comment, which is more late than late implies, and yes the shading guide was quite useful for a person who destroys erases before the pencil is more one-sixteenth to a stub.

    Did you enjoy your friends' birthday parties?
    Dannichu, is my head the head that you would like to very much butter?

    (If so, I'd prefer margerine.)
    Ooh I totally should. :D I've always wanted to go to an anime con. And if it's in Milton Keynes then that's great, because my mum's boyfriend lives there~ >D

    OH I WISH IT WERE RAINING HERE. ._. We do get entirely random lightning though?
    I was moaning about the hot weather here today, and then I remembered you live in Devon. Dx What's the weather like there?
    *makes very randomly-timed small talk*
    Nothing much. It's begun to storm here. :( But the good news is I found a couple of Phoenix Wright games yesterday.
    Hope you have fun at your convention.
    I've never tried curly hair before now, but it was Galinda with ringlets or no Galinda at all, she looks un-Galinda-ish without them. D: Still, I have a reference sitting on top of my head, so I think I've got the hang of it.
    See, she has green eyes on my book cover, but it looks weird. Deceptive thing.
    Hum, maybe I'll draw so rainbow people with different colour skin to see what's easiest. x3; Because peach is stupidly awkward to shade with, you're quite right. I have a skin coloured pencil, but it's A) shrinking rapidly and B) goes orange if I press too hard. o.o
    Aaaah school finishes today and I won't be able to see Pheebs every morning and go "GOING TO SEE WICKED :DD". I'll have to take it out on my sister instead.

    ...so much for trying to keep it brief. :P
    Wow, you know, I thought you drew rainbow colors in your pics, but you really do wear rainbow clothes! Yeah, I saw your picture in those posts so yeah. You look good really. Eh, I can't get a picture of me on here cause well, I really don't know how! But imagine a fat asian, well, not too fat, with short hair, dark eyes, and a long t shirt, yep, I'm not proud about my appearances but I'm not shamed about them either........eh that sounded corny.
    XD The problem is not so much drawing them, it's the fact it's difficult to stop. Everything I've started this week has ended up as Elphie or Glinda or both. o.O (I think half the reason is Glinda's haaair~ So much fun to draw. Although not knowing the colour of her eyes is annoying me. Green or blue?)
    I /think/ we're seeing Khadime, if my memory serves. :D The same cast that's there now will be doing it in August, anyway.
    Oh, don't expect me to shut up about it for at least a week x3 *flaps about a bit more*
    I forgive it. I'm in Virginia, where I used to live. For my school, band camp is the first full week in August (though it starts earlier if you're a freshman or a leader). We get together and go outside and learn to march similar to what the military does. Then the upperclassmen stay longer to learn the field show, which is basically marching around the American football field and playing music.
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