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  • Maybe you're turning nocturnal. xD Have any creepy-looking, pale-faced Romanian guys bit you in the throatal area lately?

    I reckon I have three choices for my future; work in comedy (pfft yeah right), do Law at Uni, or become a tramp. The last one sounds particularly attractive~

    (And I've just been informed that Arylett and Flora aren't actually friends >.< Time for more forcing friends to be friends methinks xD)

    One Foot in the grave is fantastic~ It's proper laugh-out-loud, your-lungs-hurt-like-hell-from-laughing-by-the-end funny. And I'll try watching yours if I get a chance~ You can never have enough Feenie or similar things. Not if you're a foxhog with no life that is xD

    Which reminds me, I need to grave-dig my Art thread sometime soon. I drew me as Gumshoe =D (Badly of course.)
    Danni has a messed up biological clock, it seems. To nobody else does 6:30am ever signify bedtime. xD

    I'm not sure when the exam marks are back... maybe March, but I could have made that up. And I'm not sure... I might try studying it. I'll probably be forced into doing Law, what with me having no sodding clue what I want to do, and the only career I've ever thought of doing is no way gonna happen :D

    (And frankly Danni, I think you've got your fair share of friends. In fact you've got quite a few peoples' share. xD)

    Speaking of endless DVD watching, yesterday I ordered the complete boxset of One Foot in the Grave... and I'm only half way through the Friends box set I got for Christmas. xD Silly foxhoggy~
    Yaaay ^^

    Everything's pretty good with me... been back at school for a while. My exams didn't go too bad, and I've started getting assignments for Law again, which is good because I sort of like doing them. *snorting nerdy laugh*

    And Flora and Ashes has been scaring me a bit recently, but oh well. :D (You know, I recently realised if you and her were on each others' friend lists, then you, me, her, Zephyrous Castform, Murkrow, and Arylett would all be on each others' friend lists :D How awesome would that be?)

    So, how's everything going in Dannichuland?
    Hi Dannichu~ I just noticed it's been an obscenely long time since we've spoken, and I'm pretty damn bored, so mind if I annoy you for a bit? :3
    Holy craaaap, I am so inviting all my friends and they had better friggin' SIGN UP.

    In other news, I am currently writhing on the floor, having a jealous fit.
    (I have no idea if you will be able to look at that or not, but it is SAMMY JELIN standing with his brother IN FRONT OF AN AVENUE Q POSTER why why can't I go to NYC and see showwwwws? And SARAH, she can see things whenever she wants to being in London and aaaaaaaaaaaa)

    I'm sorry I'm just in a jealous rage right now. :3
    30 PEOPLE? I only have 6 friends that play. :(

    And a friend that has over 4,000? You mean over 40,000? Because I know Grabby has nearly 10,000...

    But yeah you should respond sometime, even though I am such a hypocrite because I'm always forgetting too. And I will have to play more Pet Society... although I wish there were more games, or something. Still, it is quite fun.
    I am totally joining Pet Society. I will give you updates.

    (Sorry this is short; agreed 24 is cool blah blah I am lazy)

    Guess what I'm watching at 8 tonight~
    Even though I personally have never seen it, my parents are addicted to 24 and there is a new episode on tonight. That just reminded me of you. :3
    ...Pet Society?

    And I think pretty much everything about Alex is hilarious. Or at least, he does a lot of hilarious stuff. And I know I know, I am going to TRY MY BEST to stay hereeeee~

    Just bother me if I get lazy. And that Raikou is fantastic. :D

    Oh, you know, Alex not getting jokes until 15 seconds later or whatever reminds me of Norah; she has some horrible delayed reactions sometimes. One time my friend Siobhan wanted to test it, so she insulted her, and then counted, and it took Norah 5 seconds to get it. "one...two...three...four...five..." "HEY!"

    Ah, she's great. Both of them.
    Of course! And I can't remember who it was that made you get facebook, but I think it was partially me, so aren't you glad I did so that I could bother you and things on there even when I wasn't coming here.

    PS you still need to get aim and go on it.

    Also I feel almost as random and incoherent as Alex here, though decidedly less hilarious, unfortunately. I'll have to work on that. And I will try to stay coming here a bunch. :3
    Hm. I was kind of thinking Regal as Phoenix, but I didn't think of those reasons. It works better now, I think.

    I was actually thinking Remiel as the judge. (Angel of judgment, geddit? And also my brother loves him.) But... Dirk. That's a really, really good idea. I may just have to do that.

    You know, I actually like Colette as Gumshoe. That would be absolutely adorable. Clumsiness + incompetence = epic awesome, I think.

    Heheh, I was having a hard time picturing Sheena as anyone from AA except Maya. But waitress/gambler!Sheena would be pretty awesome, I have to admit. I may just go with that~

    OHMYGOD HOW DID YOU KNOW I WAS TRYING TO FIT THE WONDER CHEF IN THERE SOMEWHERE. It's perfect: he has the fork and Brushel has the toothbrush!

    Hm, I may leave out the Pronyma/Alita thing, but probably not, now that I think about it. And Forcystus/Daryan would be awesome. Although how you play a guitar with a gun on your arm, I really don't know. O.O Still, the idea of Zelos and Forcystus being Guitar Heroes together? Priceless.

    I'll consider that last one, although I'm not sure how to make the Mayor recognizable. xD;

    Thanks for the help; I think I'm pretty much ready to draw this now~ After I finish my Adventurers! project, of course. ^_^
    So um. Sorry to randomly bug you like this, buut... I've been working on a ToS/AJ crossover for the past week or so, and I'm a bit stuck, and I kind of figured you were the go-to person for insane crossovers. ^^;

    So um, Lloyd is Apollo (because I swear they are twins or something), Genis is Trucy (you know it's perfect~), Kratos is Kristoph (where to begin with this one, but let's just say it gives me an excuse to have Kratos using nail polish), Zelos is Klavier (duh? I wanted to make it Yggdrasill because the hair but obviously that doesn't really work), Raine is Ema (so obvious~), Mithos is Machi (...not much to say here), Martel is Lamiroir/Thalassa (SHE DIDN'T REALLY DIE OMG!), Yuan by that logic is um Valant or something I think? dunno, Presea or Tabatha is Vera (still kicking that one around) and Phoenix and Colette are pretty much where I really get stuck.

    So, uh... yeah. Just wondering if you had any ideas, because you're insanely good at these crossover things.
    Alright. Now that I'm all cleared up about Boq and Fiyero...

    What is this feeling? Is one of the funniest things I heard the first time. You were right; there is so much gay subtext. And pure unadulterated insults.

    For you see my roommate is... Blonde.

    And I'd rather listen to this german recording of popular before I see the actual thing, thanks. German is a pretty cool language, and I can probably pick out a few words myself.
    I'm trying to bribe them to take me to london to see it.

    So, If i'm not mistaken, It's in the book that Dorothy meets Boq and the Tim man, but not in the movie, right?

    Well, if the continuity of the Scarecrow doesn't make sense in the same fashion that Boq's doesn't, the who is the Scarecrow?

    I shall now browse through Youtube and try to find What is this feeling? by Idina and Cheno.
    Oh, belive me, I know what I've unleashed. :D

    I already knew what Wicked was, in a sense. I knew that it was a book, centred around Elphaba and Galinda from The Wizard of Oz, that eventually became a musical.

    Belive me or not, I actually found most of the plot as the lyrics for one of the songs that I downloaded somewhere.

    What I don't understand, however, is how Boq is deemed as a Munchkin in the Wizard of Oz, and yet the plot summary that I've read says that Nessa (Well, Elphaba really, but it was her fault) turned him into the Tin Man. Perhaps you can explain that to me?

    Out of the Musical songs, I've heard "Dancing through life", "No-one mourns the Wicked" and "Defying gravity". Any other ones you can suggest to me?
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