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  • Same with you. I sort of left TCoD to take a break. I figured not to post one of those "I'm leaving" threads, because it'll probably make you more included to return and it would have caused unnessary drama anyways. There's always deviantart if you'd like to keep in touch (which you need to update, too.)

    You're probably just thinking the worst on that final; I bet you passed, unless you would have good reason otherwise. I passed all of my finals with an A or B, but it's my freshman year in high school (uh, so ages 14 to 15. I'm pretty sure the UK has a different school system than the US. We know next to nothing about the UK, or any other country for that matter, unless you would take a class about world history. A lot of people think of people from the UK listen to classical music, have tea time, and speak...would you call it posh? Uh stuff like "cheerio," and "jolly good show." Think of Great Expectations and how the rich people acted and dressed. It's always fun to mention when people bring that up that the UK is nothing like that. I'll mention chavs, and most people have no clue what I'm talking about. x3) That poor topic, it never stood a chance.

    Uh, so how were the teachers? What classes did you take? Did you meet any Pokémon fans?

    It must be nice being back home. I haven't really left my house for more than two weeks. What does your room look like now? I'm also wondering if your family has a new pet, because I know that your mice, Pikachu and Marill, passed away, along with your budgie, Swablu. I'm really sorry about that, and for bringing it up ; ;

    I haven't really done much other than hang out with a friend, who moved away a few years ago. It was fun catching up with him again, and we hung out with another friend bowling :D I'm going to a camp for two weeks in one week, and I'll catch up with some friends from there, too. I'm planning on drawing all of the Pokémon, but I haven't gotten very far...
    Remind me to be more active, less horribly lazy, and just less of a procrastinator in general. >.< I'm sorry I haven't replied for ages.

    I'm guessing your year's over now? My brother, who's at uni, finished in May, the lucky so-and-so. I hope your exams went fine; I have no idea what written exams at uni involve, apart from, erm, writing, but yeah, hope they weren't too stressful. x3 I got my exam timetable... not a huge amount of time before the exams started, if I can remember - again, sorry I've been a lazy woman and not replied for a couple of months... and a half; yikes. ; ; Sorry - and they went okay. I have no idea, pretty much, how the English went, though I think I probably couldn't have done better, so hopefully what I did do was good - French and German hopefully went fine, although the written German paper - at AS level and I think A level too the reading, writing and listening are all done in one paper - was a difficult paper. And history probably sucked, but oh well. x3 That's my subject-that-I-don't-mind-doing-badly-at-because-I-pretty-much-suck-at-the-exam-technique.

    Uhhuh, I'm planning to do French and German. Well, I'm sure that's what I want to do. xD And hopefully I'll be able to do it. I've just been on work experience to France - my dad organised it because he used to work for Jaguar France and he came along with me because I think he wanted to see his old friends - which he did, and of course I had to stand there trying to follow their conversations in French - and we stayed in my friend and her family's house over there, so I'm glad I got to see her. Oh yeah, and I met a young French woman - or you could just about call her a girl, I suppose - who wanted to be an interpreter, which I'm seriously considering, so that was pretty inspiring. Her English was awesome.

    Ah, glad you found a new house. It must feel great, yeah. :D To be so independent. My brother and his friends got themselves a neat house that's less far away from the uni than their house for this last year, so they must be happy. And now I have to start looking for open days because unis probably have tons over the summer, in July or something. Although I won't able able to go to any from around late July to early to mid-August because 'm going on holiday then, but oh god, we're going with Monarch Airlines, whose workers apparently might be planning to strike around July. Eep. Really hope they don't. Anyway, sorry, I'm rambling.

    Ahaha, you're so optimistic about unis. ; ; It's scary. No, not really, it's encouraging and awesome. :D But heh, I'm not looking forward to actually going - or at least, facing the prospect of going - a huge amount. It's too early for me to be hugely excited about it. Searching for a uni, or at least the visiting unis part, should be quite fun though. Ah, you're lucky you adore your uni. I'm not looking forward to the massive workload all that much either. But it shouldn't be too bad, ehe. I'm hoping it'll be very enjoyable.
    (Uh, don't ask how my last message got posted twice twenty minutes appart xD)


    Bleh bleh blargety bleh x.x If I had a billion zillion dollars I'd find a way~

    Oh mi gawd yeah they should have! And Idina's too. (even though the trap door thing and yeah) For Good always makes me cry ;-; I shall have to find it.

    Yes, yes they should. Everyone would be happy- the Musical one would be nice to show the kinderlings and the book one would just be fwee stuffs :D

    X3 fwee~ Now, which one's which xD (I think I should be Galinda. Soprano~ Though we'd absolutely have to edit it so that Galinda and Elphaba had pretty much equal parts. Somehow. At least those are my thoughts x3)

    I'm in the US :o I shall look! Huzzah for the internets~ (though sometimes... xD)
    :3 You're welcome~
    :D *Confetti* Enjoy the fics :D

    And yeah, I do. I got it for my beefday a few months ago, actually. It's been out since February. They filmed the final performance in NY and they're selling DVDs of it. I'd buy one lickety-split but I don't gots the money and I wouldn't knwo where to send it and you'd need a way to paly region 1 DVDs. I think they ship it internationally though... I'll have to check.

    Yep XD Once "What is this Feeling" started playing... when a dude I had a crush on was in the room~ xD 'Twas hard to explain why I was blushing~

    Yes, yes, yes! hmm crossovers :o those are awesome ideas Dannichu. I'd say 'we must act out the second one' but I fail at singing xD

    Oh and that one link to Buffy is making my computer go crazy, sorry x.x I'll see if I can't find it on YouTube or something.
    :3 You're welcome~
    :D *Confetti* Enjoy the fics :D

    And yeah, I do. I got it for my beefday a few months ago, actually. It's been out since February. They filmed the final performance in NY and they're selling DVDs of it. I'd buy one lickety-split but I don't gots the money and I wouldn't knwo where to send it and you'd need a way to paly region 1 DVDs. I think they ship it internationally though... I'll have to check.

    Yep XD Once "What is this Feeling" started playing... when a dude I had a crush on was in the room~ xD 'Twas hard to explain why I was blushing~

    Yes, yes, yes! hmm crossovers :o those are awesome ideas Dannichu. I'd say 'we must act out the second one' but I fail at singing xD

    Oh and that one link to Buffy is making my computer go crazy, sorry x.x I'll see if I can't find it on YouTube or something.
    That sucks about your driving lessons. :( I'm glad we have regular cars and such I just wish that we had more to do with class time other than one packet a day with whatever random supplements the teacher provides.

    Lack of public transportation is the one of the prices of living in the Midwest of America. Everyone is expected to have cars.
    Wait, lemme try something... *turns towards your exams *Fweh, bad exams, bad! Get away from Danni! No cookie for you! *turns back towards you* ...I don't think that worked ;-; I'm so sorry. But here's the links! Fuzzy Peaches of Doom, which is very... Ranom, but hillarious in it's own convoluted fashion, Z Skit Theater, which is a lot of hillarious fan-mad Z-skits (which you could probably already tell from the title x3), and, just for the heck of it, this Avenue-Q/RENT oneshot crossover that's... odd... yes.

    Well then have fun~ I'mma try to get more excersize too. Should be... interesting xD Lesse how we dooo~

    Yeah... I don't get it either. He was talking to a friend of ours and he's all like "Oh la de da it's kind of perverted, it has a lot of sex jokes and *insert vauge description of the first half of Out Tonight here*!" And another friend of ours says, "Oh, like porn?" and he's like "...yeah..." and now yeah and... that was a long sentence x.0

    Maybe I should... I have the Rent Filmed Live On Broadway thing, and it has the video that goes along with it... >3 fufufu... (Oh, and... most of the people I live with have heard a lot worse, and they all like RENT and have heard the song xD)
    And when I set my computer-MP3 on shuffle, it always goes to a J-pop song called "Kettobase (swift kick)". The first few lines, are, in fluent english and a female voice, "I want your baby" about three times, "what do you say?" and very suggestive "oh"s for a bit after that x3 So you're not the only one with an evil computer xD

    Heh, so was I... but nothing will ever beat this versoin of Popular from Wicked :D Though it's the toughest case I've yet to face...

    FWaaa~ Thankies! But resistance is futile! It's been buffereing the whole time I've been writing this message :D ... gottsta go watch it soon, should be done by now yes.

    (You can tell I only just woke up when I wrote this, yes?)
    Mmm. That's too bad.. well, if you ever do decide to make a new fic, tell me. I'll be more then happy to read it.
    My eye is back to normal. The problem that went away last was the one that was harmless.

    Driver's Ed is very boring, mostly because we do all of the driving outside of school hours so we basically just do book work about driving and such. Then we usually have a guest speaker. Today it was the county prosecutor, which was fun. Then we watch movies about driving.

    I'm learning in a 2009 Impala which is okay. I'd never get one because I'm not exactly found of it, but it will do for now. I like my mom's car better, mostly because I'm more used to it.

    I think I'm okay at driving considering I haven't done a whole lot of it, but I don't really like it. I only like it because it will make getting around easier because the public transportation here sucks.

    I like your new icon. :)
    If I can find them I'll link if you want ^^

    WiiFit is fun if you like to excersize, mostly. And squee over the fact that they somehow managed to make a small, light grey balance board thingy into one of the cutest things since Chiyo in a penguin suit <3

    Eh, his opinion is his opinion. He just doesn't like tragedy. Though he adored Angel (who doesn't/wouldn't?) Which probably didn't help at all. The only problem I have with it is that he's trying to convince all my other friends that it's porn, using the first 1/2 of "Out Tonight" as 'proof' --; But a few of my other freinds adored it~ :D
    Though, of all of the reasons not to like Mark that I've heard, the fact that he's Jewish seems... well, the more I think about it, the more my head starts to go "ow".

    I don't have any handy sites for that other than the unreliable YouTube and sometimes Netflix which might not have it ><; But if I ever can, I'll totally watch it ^^

    That's good to hear, at least. But stress still isn't good by any stretch of the imagination. Of course.

    Yeah... This is probably my favorite rendition of If You Were Gay evar <3
    ^^ Horray for fangirling! Thinking about it, I should see if I can find some old Tales of Symphonia crackfics I read like three years ago... hm :3

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure you've got it right. I don't know if you should or not. The storyline's fun, even if the dialogue is a bit on the cheesy side at times. There are two separate storylines with different main characters and worlds to explore. It plays a bit like a platformer, and it's fun. I mostly just play it for the gameplay x3 Mostly I just use my Wii for Tales of Symphonia and WiiFit too (and NiGHTS, nowadays), so yeah.

    Heh, I watched Rent with a rather close friend of mine once. Now he's trying to convince all of my friends that it's porn because he didn't like it :( Oh well. He's... odd like that, I guess. But I do have a couple of Rent-headed friends, though, so *squee* ^^

    Heh, I've heard a lot about Buffy. Never actually watched it, though. Not sure if I should... though from what I've heard, Willow is awesome :D

    Boo, exams=no fun at all. Oh well, it's only two weeks ^^; I fail at optimism ;-; But it's only for now! (Great, now I've got "For Now" from Avenue Q stuck in my head. Can't decide if that's a bad thing or not. x3)
    You can, but only with Hugh Laurie driving a bumper car. Anyway, I wasn't complaining =D
    See, I'll even change mine to show how OK I am with the whole situation. <3 Klonoa~

    Anyway, my exams are finished as of yesterday and you may be pleased to know that I think I did pretty OK on General Studies and tried at least a little XD Though I still doubt its merit slightly.
    'Daw, thanks <3 Yeah, we should, shouldn't we? Lately I've mostly been up to fangirling over various things. You know, like when you stop playing/watching/reading something and you go back to it later on and you're like "OMG that's why I thought it was so awesome!" and you fall in love with it all over again? It's happened to me three times in the last two weeks. One webcomic, Red String, and two video games, NiGHTS and Kingdom Hearts, and RENT in general. But with RENT, I always fall in love with it again when I watch it, and I've never actually fallen out of love with that musical~ <3 Yeah. Wow, that was long ^^; Sorry. And what have you been up to lately?
    Okay well now I'm going to have the "EVERYBODY GO SUUUUURFING~" song pop into my head whenever I see it. Not sure if this is a good or bad thing but uh bug surfing hurrah. XD

    A... Saturday? O_O Possibly not quite as bad as besmirching the good name of Sunday but still. That sucks.
    Hurray for avoiding stress. XD 40%, really? Aw, you'll do that easy~ And if you've already done the coursework well it must take the edge off the exams themselves.
    I have to admit to knowing near to nothing about Buffy. XD; I think I watched like one series of it when I was younger, but I don't remember anything aside from the one musical episode and thinking the guy who kinda resembled the demon headmaster was awesome. Um. Giles? I think?

    Uh, exams have gone pretty well I think; at least, History and English were pretty good and I'm taking them next year so. :3 Maths and French can go burn in hell though ahdjdjsak
    And otherwise life is gooood. X3 I did seven exams last week so my head kind of melted but they're more spread out now so all is good. :B
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