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  • OHH! Like a writer. I can do that, for sure. You should tell schoui this, too, for he is also new.
    Also, soon i will be leaving, but i may not have time to log out, so this will be why if i don't respond. I'll be back soon, though.
    You so kind. But i'm not a noob to the site. I am however, a noob to rp and i don't nderstand a single thing, but i'm willling to try, with your help, of course.
    You're welcome. I've been suggesting it to all my friends all day. And yes, that's the whole song, and my favorite.
    Till the end I will be with you,
    We will go where our dreams come true,
    All the times that we have been through,
    You will always be my best friends...
    Here we are on a new adventure
    Danger lurks somewhere in the darkness
    We are set for surprises - even battle!
    We're a team - no one better mess with us!
    If we stand as one,
    There's nothing to fear,
    We'll beat the darkness,
    And we'll stay right here!
    Time after time,
    That's how it will be,
    Just you and me.
    Till the end I will be with you,
    We will go where our dreams come true,
    All the times that we have been through,
    You will always be my best friends...
    Good friends - are those who stick together
    When there's sun and in the heavy weather...
    Smile after smile,
    That's how it will be,
    Just you and me...
    Till the end I will be with you,
    We will go where our dreams come true,
    All the times that we have been through,
    You will always be my best friends...
    Remember, when we first met?
    We had such fun, oh I never will forget...
    Since then, the times are so good -
    We've always stuck together like best friends should...
    Till the end I will be with you,
    We will go where our dreams come true,
    All the times that we have been through,
    You will always be my best friends...
    Also, mystic signed for your rp.
    I read some stuff from the 'the creepy pokemon shit thread' and now i'm so scared. Tell me something happy.
    I'm almost considering making another charather, a poliwhirl who is spunky's boyfriend...lol, i am self centered.
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