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  • um
    I need your opinion.
    should I make a little writing thread where i dump little short stories/theories on a certain topic in maplestory?
    I've been considering it,but i need your input.
    i know that. d:

    um,sure? o.o
    i can try. though I'm on my 3DS so...yeah

    I accepted it already. ^-^
    some kind of smiley

    v v
    I hate to be a nag, but I just want to make sure you don't do this in the future. You're not supposed to rate somebody again unless your opinion on their signature/avatar/whatever has changed. That's just spam requoting your opinion.
    my profile pic is in my siggy.
    random inside a random. :3
    (if ypu don/t believe me, go to my profile and refresh the page a couple of times. it'll change)
    Update: Alright, I decided I didn't have the proper traditional media to color the drawing, so I'm coloring digitally. And the dimensions are 500 by 500, since the scan was smaller than expected. Depending on background complexity, it should either be done today or tomorrow.
    where I put dots,you put something there.
    If ypu still don't get it,then either tell me what ypu don't get, or ask someone else. ^-^
    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????( i still donts gets it. :P)
    Can do, then. Probably won't start working on it legitimately until the weekend. Should be done by Monday at the latest.
    'Kay, so what would you define as a 'large avatar?' Because I could always do a 1000x1000 and leave it to you to shrink it. Also, any preference of digital vs traditional? (Digital will probably just be better as far as colors coordinating with lineart, but traditional will be faster and better proportioned.)
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