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  • By you forgetting something I mean you shouldn't spoil the end of books without warning!

    My "sister" Stacy and I were drawing all the smileys we could think up. What do you think of this?

    It's fun, but you have to by it. I was playing off of my brother's account for a while, but he kicked me off. I'm gonna buy it though. When I get some moneyz~
    (LOL too true. I should be uploading more soon, actually)
    No, what is it?
    By how my art "from natural surroundings'? all I ever draw in people Oh, I see what you mean...
    "#??? Everglider

    The Artistic Friendly Pokemon

    This pokemon is often seen hanging around Shuckles and Absols (shuckle and absol's best friend, S&ABF) This pokemon has been know to create art from natural surroundings. "

    Have I?
    Neh, but my computer's acting up, so I can't watch it nae, even though I was planning to.
    I don't know, I don't play Mafia (sounds to complicated and I'm lazy), but I always thought Animorphs was awesomely epic, even going so far as to write crappy fanfiction.
    Yeah. I always thought Paul was a girl. The hat, and plus the voice was gender-neutral.

    And yes, I am twelve, and in seventh grade, as a matter of fact.
    I just found out that it's actually Karl, with a K.
    Karl, why is the lifeboat red and sticky?
    Would you believe that it's strawberry milkshake?
    Boat nectar?
    God's tears?
    Fine. Its the elderly couple from 2b.
    They were eating all the crescent rolls!

    Sorry, I couldn't resist.
    Hmmm, I'll make it once you're able to get online more. For now I'll set up the sign up thing and PM it to you for extra feedback. You can help me run it if anything ^^
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