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  • I love Invader Zim Gir! And Piggy! But...What did you do to the poor guy's nose? ;)

    EDIt: Wait! Nevermind!
    Well... okay.

    Would you mind helping with the death queue and such? I can probably handle the writing.

    (Why am I starting a mafia game now of all times. Oh well.)
    If you don't mind. I feel kind of bad about completely taking over your mafia game and then making you delete it. :(

    If I'm the one hosting it, what would you want to do? Or would you want to play?
    It really is. :D

    So, what would you want help with? If I just help with the roles, I could probably still play in the game considering that they're not a secret. Or I could help with the the flavor text, night actions and such and not play.

    My current idea is something like this:

    Ax-Fishing brother

    Elfangor-Fishing brother

    Tobias- Inspector

    Rachel- Vig

    Visser 3- Mafia don

    Visser 1- Mafia usurper (wins if both the mafia win and Visser 3 dies)

    Chapman- Mafia goon

    Loren- Healer (if targeting Tobias cannot clash)

    Melissa- Innocent terrorist (wins if Chapman alive at endgame)

    Ellimist- Illusionist and survivor

    Crayak- Second mafia don

    Drode- mafia goon with Crayak

    Toby Hamee- Sort-of vig (can target someone every night, if infested will be uninfested in two nights)

    Jara Hamee- Vanilla (will be seen as targeting whoever Toby targets)

    Ket Halpak- Vanilla (will be seen as targeting whoever Toby targets)

    Aldrea- Lover with Dak, inspector

    Dak Hamee- Lover with Alrea, doctor

    Now, this may seem a bit confusing. And I'm very willing to make this my own mafia game if you want! But the thing with infesting is that the Yeerks don't kill. Instead they infest, which pulls them over to their side. They are not told who they infested; the infestee can choose whether to tell them or not. Because they can be pulled back to the innocent side if Toby targets them.

    Crayak is a vanilla mafia don. He and the drode kill instead of infesting.

    If either Dak or Aldrea get infested, the other will become infested as well. They still die when one of them is killed, however. They can win with the innocents, however they cannot win with the Yeerks.

    I sort of took a page from Mirrormen. But nostagia is fun, right?
    Yeah; I joined.

    Elfangor as an alien doesn't really make much sense at all. >_> I think he and Ax should be fishing brothers, because Ax commiting suicide doesn't make much sense overall.

    I don't really understand the mechanics of control; maybe we could talk things over? I hate to sound overbearing but I sort of want to be co-DM because asdfghjkl; Animorphs is the best thing ever.
    Oops, sorry about the RBY thing. >_< I just have a weird internal voice for her, it seems.

    Also, Rose had recalled her Gengar by the time she went to talk to everyone. No one could have seen it (she was still in Viridian when she did that).
    Awesome, I wish I could paint... Well I airbrush but that's kinda different. You should make an account though =3
    You mean 2D? Nooo, but I do a lot of drawing. I especially love pencil art! It's my favorite =D I'm a cartoonist.
    If the image in your sig is being complained about, you should probably take it out.
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