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  • Hey riz, did your mafia automatically come with a list when you posted it?
    Hey I set up goodbye forever so just you and me can go in an adventure. It is just everyone else doesn't post enough. RK-9 post a decent amount but Cheif hasn't posted in a while.
    I already joined, sorry it's the first time I had to click a button to join a mafia game in a forum
    Can I be co-GM? I'll quit my status in the game and help you manage it, if you wish.
    Can your character Kris' Gengar and my character Clive's Audino Eustacia like each other?
    I can't play it now because it makes me want to kill my screen. (Thinks of sparkly vampires)
    Not that I know of, no. And no I don't think you did, cause I posted in the original and my post is still there. New thread, no posts. Start from scratch.
    That only appears when you post the game at the start. Any post in the "Mafia Games" category gets the dropdown box. By remaking it are you deleting the entire thread? That's what I had to do, editing wouldn't work on it. Go to "edit" the post on the first post, your original one, and hit "delete this post" then when you delete it the entire thread will be gone. Then remake it. Be sure to backup your post.
    That's odd, it's usually just... there. But I remember having this issue when it actually starts. You talking in the sign up or the actual game? I had that issue in my first one. But remaking it should work. When you make the game for real there should be a drop down box asking you to select the sign up thread. I don't know, maybe PM a mod or Butterfree and ask if it might be a glitch.
    I like having more than one person making captions for my avatar, though! XD

    I'll do it tomorrow, when I do all of my other reffings(boy will I be busy T-T).
    Please don't caption my avatar in the forum game. You've already done it, like, 4 times XD
    Well yeah pokemon cards and a GameStop Power Up card to re-new it but I can't afford pokemon card.
    Haha, I got bored with it hella fast. I don't really like Tower Defense games. Too hard for me, I always lose :/
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