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  • Lets play Guess. I supply three hints and you guess what I am thinking of in three turns or less.
    I tried other sites. I really did. Yet, none of them compare to Pokeboard. I left a huge chunk of my life there and its where I grew up. You don't realize what it feels like for your entire life to be ripped apart and then told to find somewhere else. *cries* None of you do. Everyone is heartless.
    Oh, you figured out my alt...

    Well, truthfully, I want to return to Pokeboard and would do anything to return there. I wish I didn't have to make alts. :( I wish I was back under my true self.
    I must tell you that I entered my school's math team~ They made us take these "tests" which were divided like this:
    Target-40 exercises in 30 minutes
    Speed- 8 exercises given in pairs, 6 minutes for each pair.

    And a team round, where the teams were divided in unfair groups (one team had the least math-inclined guys). The team is only four people, and I was the second best score with 15! Woo middle school math team!
    Well that's good to hear. This website has some pretty good members who have influenced me as well.

    Animating a TV show sure does sound like a fun occupation! Writing a book sounds fun as well. I'm neither a good writer or a good artist, so I appreciate someone who has the talent to do both. I'm sure you'll be able to do whatever job you like when you graduate.

    Good luck at school, and good luck in your spelling bee! Like you said, even if you don't win, you've already made a great achievement. It's good to hear that kind of optimism.
    Other than being depressed, I have been doing alright. I became more of a furry since I left and have a skype. If you have one, you should add me. I am blazethekid
    Hmmm... Probably either Yoshi's Island or Super Mario Bros.
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