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  • H
    For the Wii, I have New Super Mario Bros., Mario Cart, Mario Party 9 (Is that the newest one for the Wii?), Super Mario Galaxy, and Super Mario Galaxy 2. For my DS, I have Mario 64, New Super Mario Bros., and Yoshi's Island DS. For the NES, I have Super Mario Bros. (the original). Finally, for the SNES, I have Super Mario World, Super Mario Bros. 2, Yoshi's Island, and Super Mario Bros. 3. XD That is kind of a lot!
    Some college classes can be a bit more challenging, but overall its a much more enjoyable experience, as you have so much free time and independence. Plus, there are plenty of social clubs and opportunities to meet new people (At my school, there is a MLP club, Pokémon club, and a Doctor Who club). So, yeah, it's tons of fun.

    Are you enjoying school?
    Well, college is great. I have three exams next week but I also have my birthday in a week so I'm looking forward to it. And I'm also going to a concert with some friends.
    To be honest, I don't like Pokemon very much! I like Mario a lot, and the game Animal Crossing: City Folk.
    Well, I don't really watch too much television, but I do really like Say Yes to the Dress on TLC, Four Weddings on TLC, pretty much everything on TLC, wedding shows, and cooking shows. XD It really isn't that interesting! What about you?
    Thank you, again :) You have no idea how good that makes me feel :)
    Yes, thank you. That was seriously the best thing I have heard in weeks! You made me all teary-eyed now! Thank you :)
    Thank you :) That was really beautiful! I'm speechless, thank you. :')
    i'm pretty good! college, wooo~

    as for tcod, it's very...tcod-y, i suppose?

    How are you!
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