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  • pinkie/dark (what do I call you)
    should I change my username to Artemis Fowl?
    Please and thank you.
    Where did you download Pokemon Crystal? Also, you could've just resized the images.

    And I remeber you had that Caterpie...

    And for the heck of it, I will give you a free baby Chikorita.

    Honestly, the only Creepypastas that kind of put me on edge are those Lavender Toan Syndrome deaths and stuff. And Candle Cove, at first. Jeff the Killer kind of freaked me out when I first read it, as my imagination became considerably dark as I thought about it, but eh.

    Also, concerning your emulator troubles... ; ;
    Well, I have a Virtual Boy Advance simulator on my computer for GB games, and another one for DS games. I've currently embarked upon Red, Fire Red and Soul Silver, as I can't find my Fire Red, and never purchased SS or HG. :0
    I tried getting Creepy Black, one of those Creepypasta Pokémon games, but it wasn't that good. :/
    Z'omg! I have to tell you something important.

    So the other day, I was at the National Holocaust Memorial Museum in D.C., and in one of the exhibits, there was this girl. Immediately when she looked at me, my only thought was "Wait is that Michelle wait what"

    Not exactly sure why I thought that, but just thought I'd share it with you. c:
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