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  • Ooooooo
    Is anyone else gonna join, too? :3 Like, you could ask some people at FJ or something.
    Yeah, maybe. :3 I'll think about it, put some thought into it.
    If I have time... >.> I'll try to get to it, though.
    (And could you save Togepi for me, just in case I want to join? :D?)
    Hey, I'm sorry, but there's something going on. If there's something that's making her say stuff like that, then... Well, I don't know. And I'm sorry about your brother.
    I'm not sure... But, I can tell there's something wrong. And I want to find out what it is.
    Yeah, I saw that. But... I do kind of have a feeling she's not drunk. But she's not serious either.
    Wait, I just realized something. Soupfish was in my signature. One of those graves could be hers.
    Nah, I'm younger than 16. I'll be honest, I enjoy the privacy the internet gives me, so I'm not going to disclose my age, but your first guess is fairly accurate :x

    The reason I'm listed as 16 on my FFN profile is to avoid FFN giving a random excuse to not let me write or read M-Rated fanfiction, just as a safety precaution.

    And thanks :D
    Y'know, being rude when someone calls you out on being rude doesn't make it better.

    No duh, Sherlock.
    ... Maybe first you should have asked me if I wanted to run your User Forum first. That seems more logical and less rude.
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