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  • also, Tribal Coyote of Grand Slam:

    Should ongoing battles switch over to the new crit mechanic, or just keep the same crit domains until the end of the battle?
    Dahlia or Kristoph the Mawile? ...Maggey Byrde the Murkrow (for added hilarity: with Super Luck)
    Hmm, but Honchkrow. (If I actually get a chance to use Robin that would be great because she is great!) I do want to use Luke, but I'm not sure whether the opportunity cost is too great to risk it? Life Orb boost without recoil is pretty great, but too much damage per attack and you have to sacrifice a few points to the cap. (Actually, are you allowed to divulge the damage cap/banned moves now? (The round post mentioned winning each bout, so does that include actually KOing your opponent somehow?))

    (Wait, Eris is evolved...? Like, realistically I would want to hoard Rare Candies too, but the experience-to-Rare-Candies business looks like it'll be a long way in the future if it even returns at all, and the 8-exp damage modifier ~just might~ make the difference between me being eliminated in this round and not obtaining any more Rare Candies for a while, and me advancing this round and having the chance to get more Rare Candies in future ones... I'm probably overthinking this, haha)
    So, the loser this round gets a hidden ability Pokemon? I hope I lose, because a Contrary Snivy is the one thing I want the most in ASB! Will the loser of round four also be given a HA Pokemon?
    Not yet, I'll make my squad hype-ready on Saturday night (so I have the Pokemon I actually want to get experience in my squad in case someone decides to take my triple battle before then...) I'm having second thoughts over the squad I thought about like two weeks ago (like, should I change Piper for Luke Atmey and risk having nothing to beat pathos's metric ton of Dark types? should I use my Rare Candy on Eris so she gets the 8 experience damage boost, since it /might/ end up mattering, or should I hold out in case pathos brings its metric ton of Dark types???)

    (tl;dr I might, but I'll probably stick to the squad I've thought about more... idk I'm still holding out for Hoopa Unbound Zinc though)
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