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  • Oh! I'm glad you do. :> Sadly, it's temporary. I'll only be keeping it around for a small bit because I like my other avvie so much.
    I was camping :3 I got to dress up as a knight and hit people with padded sticks! It was fun.
    thx, but i didnt make it. i just found some cool pokemon pic on google andput it there. it does look cool, doesnt it?
    Yes, muy muy kawaii (excuse the 3 different languages, hehe)

    *hugs Ever* We need to reignite the spark for them! I feel like doing fan art now =p
    It's quite alright; I'm kind of hard to understand.

    And for you:

    Definitely! If only they'd bring her back =/
    Why'd she have to love him so much that she broke the only connection their worlds had?! It's tear jerking T_T
    She's the coolest thing that ever happened to the Wii, hehe. ^^

    ( You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick a friends nose- till they ask ;D )
    alright, so again I ask my second question (because otherwise the sprite is done and has been for days)

    Should I like recolor the beak or something? or do you just want it as is?
    Okay, well, there's really no "postpone" option... either I can delete it from the board and you can repost it later, or I'll just leave it up and either someone will take it or it will get ditched due to inactivity.
    Why are you commenting on all my mafia pictures? 0_0 It's honestly sort of annoying. I killed the girl in a skirt because she needed to die; I'm hosting a mafia game and editing images to fit the character's deaths. She died at night so I edited a death scene of her; not that hard at all. That's what most of my "disturbing" pictures are of; there's bound to be at least a few more so you might as well stop looking if you don't like it.

    (Appearances aren't everything, you know. The girl was mafia.)

    Sorry if I seem rude.
    To be perfectly honest, I prefer hugs only from those I am in an intimate relationship with, sorry. Don't be offended by it though, it's not a sign that I dislike you or anything.
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