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  • H
    It's okay :) I'm currently in the hospital, and in about a week, I am going to a mental hospital for my ED :P How are you?
    Right, of course, super fabulous, my mistake XD
    Well I'm glad you're doing better than expected! Exceeding expectations is always quite nice :) And I know the feeling of having an awful math teacher. My Pre-Calculus teacher is the same as my Algebra II teacher from last year, and thanks to her I almost failed. Even though I am excellent at Algebra :(

    But hey busy can be fun! Sometimes stressful though, so be careful with that!
    Hello! :D I am most absolutely excellent, how about yourself? :) And being friends sounds like most magnificent a proposition, so I gladly accept! :D :D I'm not sure why we haven't talked sooner though, because I love making friends! And you're super cool, so there's that!
    I'm really sorry :< I hope your life gets better! c:
    I've been good, more or less. Been struggling with depression, but I'm alright.
    My math test is the last one I take but before that I have world history and Spanish so I have no idea how it'll go. I kinda want math first... xD
    Nothing much really, school and all that. I've been drawing more lately, though. (My exams start on the first I think. I don't have much time ;w;)
    That's good though, at least to be doing better.


    I've been okay. And you? (Don't worry, I hate when I look back over my conversations with people I'm just so bad ;-;)
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