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  • >has no idea what kpop is
    >is it music, anime...?

    Ah, whatever. We can still talk about developing characters and the like!

    By the way, pretty much all the fan fiction I write is either Pokemon or Total Drama oriented.
    Eep, same. I haven't been doing overly great, which means I'm not meeting expectations, but I got almost perfect scores on my exams. I guess that makes up for it?
    Tumblr and anime, huh? Sounds pretty good, actually. Haha.

    How has school been?
    Hm, so they don't. I'll fix that. Thanks for pointing it out.

    I'm doing okay; I'm never really doing that great because parents, but they've been less terrible lately. I guess I can't complain.

    How've you been?
    Eep, thank you! UwU

    And no, your face is genuinely pretty! As in, your features. I hadn't seen your face before now, haha. I'm sure you're gorgeous without make up, too!
    You're welcome! I'd never seem you before, but you're seriously really pretty! Not sure if that means much coming from me, but.
    I worry about everything. .-. I'm just glad you have a good attitude about it. I hope you feel better about it soon.
    I've been following your Grr posts, and I just wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry. :( I don't have much to say, but I really hope you get better. I hate to see you, or anyone, in this state.
    Oh, I'll add Willow to my list :) And Speak is sooooo good! It gets twenty times better though, after you finish it, because all the pieces come together. I love that book!
    No I haven't heard of Willow! Is it good? And yes!!! I love that book!! Do you like it? :)
    Oh! That was on my list of books to read! Thanks! I was afraid it would be lame or something, but I'm glad it isn't! :D

    Have you read Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen? It is REALLY good, one of my favorites. It is a memoir, about when the author went to a mental hospital after she tried to kill herself, she was depressed and had BPD. And the other characters are amazing and it is so cool because it is a true story and I just love it. There is a movie for it, too (It isn't on Netflix, though :/), and it is pretty great, but if you ever see it, watch it after you read the book. I think they have the movie on Hulu.
    I see. I recently read Purge by someone who I can't remember, and it was the same way for me, I couldn't relate to the bulimic girl. But it is a really good way to understand what it's like when you are locked up for your ED.

    You should read Skinny by Ibi Kaslik, it has to do with how being anorexic affects others around you. It is very very honest, it is almost like a wake up call.

    I think I have a list of 22 ED books, if you want to find more books to read. Most of them I haven't read yet, though, so I don't know if they're any good.
    I have Perfect on my list of ED books to read. But if it isn't very good, I won't waste my time reading it.

    And no, that doesn't make you a bad person! I wanted her to, the first time I read it. But now I'm glad Lia lived :) I want to re-read that book so badly but it is so triggering that I know I shouldn't since I am trying to recover :P
    It is soooooooooo amazing!!!! It is one of those books where you just fall in love with it forever and read it a million times because it is so perfect! XD
    Yay!!! I hope you like it!!! :D :D :D
    A 3.5 is pretty good! :) And aw I'm sorry :/ Same here :/ My ED and self-harm has been really bad lately, but I'm trying! Anyways, be careful, okay?
    It's okay, don't worry about it :) And I never ended up going to the mental hospital, I am trying to recover on my own. It's hard though XP Are you okay? I just noticed a sad post of yours in the Coughing Cupboard :(
    I'm glad you're doing okay :) Okay is good :)
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