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  • Oh, that makes sense. That's actually kind of cool, I might look into it.

    I'm so glad that school is over for the week, wow. Although it also means I can't escape my asshole dad, wah.
    I didn't know that. I thought it was instrumental, haha. What does it sound like?
    I'll send another one! And you can sing classical music? How does that work?
    Awawaw I think that's adorable for some reason. I sing some too, but, uh, I've never acted on it.

    I sent you an email, by the way!
    Okay! I don't have either of those, so probably Tumblr. or email. ;-I

    Um, it tells me that I can email you on your contact info, but it doesn't actually give me your email and makes me compose a message via the forums. Which I'd rather not do. Could you tell me what your email is, by chance?
    I'm actually not doing well right now. :c Can I talk to you about it? All my friends are biased on this one and I need a fair opinion.

    Is there any way to talk outside of TCOD? I kind of need a quick-ish paced conversation when it comes to this. Maybe Tumblr?
    I agree. I'd forgotten that ELA even teaches that, to tell you the truth. All I've done this year is stupid Grammar Uses and Mechanics.
    I think it's a lot more important than other subjects, really. Realization of the very world around you is a thousand times more important than deconstructing sentences and finding side lengths.
    Oh, yeah. I hadn't studied a day in my life before this year. I only do it now because my mom makes me do it with her before a unit assessment.

    And yeah, that's super annoying! The whole point of ELA is to fine-tune your own writing skills, not to learn someone else's. I'm doing relatively good in that class, though, since all we do this year is read.
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