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  • Okay!

    So for Walrein, you could go in two directions. You can go special attacker, or you could do a physical wall/attacker.


    Modet/Timid 4Hp 252Satt 252spe @Choice Specs/Scarf/Life Orb W/Thick Fat/Oblivious
    -Ice Beam
    -Hidden Power (Electric/Ground)
    -Brine/Signal Beam

    The Hp and Speed Evs can be switched depending on how you want to play it, more speed or more lasting power, which really depends on which item you choose. He can the Choice Specs or the Choice Scarf, again depending on how you wish to play it, and he can run the Life Orb if you are so compelled. Surf and Ice Beam are your main STAB attacks, Hidden power Electric will make you complete as far as coverage goes, but ground works as well. The last slot can be either Brine (if you use the Life Orb) or Signal Beam (if you go with a Choice item) He doesn't really have a way to fight off Fighting pokemon, but he might be able to 2HKO some with Surf, but I wouldn't really know. Thick Fat is your fist ability choice, but Oblivious will be nice if you want to go Dream World.

    The next one:
    Adamant 252Hp 252Att 4Sdef @Life Orb/Leftovers W/Thick Fat/Oblivious

    Pretty similar to the previous set, but with this he becomes a serious physical wall as well as a good atacker. You give the extra point to Sdef just to be safe. First, he curses a few times (as many as you think you can pull off) and then you can attack with Waterfall, for decent STAB, Avalanche, which has perfect synergy with this set because of his reduced speed, so free doubled power (this gets to like 200 power with STAB) and Earthquake for those pesky electric types you occasionally run into. He should be better at fending off fighting types, but that's mostly due to his increased Defense stat. He doesn't get Boltbeam, but he should still hold his own. You could run Leftovers over Life Orb if you were so inclined to do so.

    Now for Slowking:

    Again, you can go two ways. Both are special this time, but one lets you gain priority differently than the other.

    First one:
    Modest 4Hp, 252Satt, 252Spe @Choice Scarf W/Oblivious/Own Tempo/Regenerator
    -Ice Beam
    -Hidden Power (Electric)

    You can actually outrun things with Slowking, who knew? Any of his abilities work nicely with this set, Oblivious preventing attraction and Own Tempo preventing confusion while Regenerator (again, if you want to go Dream World) gets you more Hp every time you switch. He gets really nice coverage (with boltbeam), and can usually trick Scizors into your Flamethrower. (seriously, no one expects him to shoot 50 foot flames) Surf is for STAB, and there's not a whole lot else about this set. Pretty basic sweeping.

    Modest/Quiet 252Hp, 252Satt, 4Def @Life Orb W/Oblivious/Own Tempo/Regenerator
    -Trick Room
    -Ice Beam

    This is the Slowking I use on my Trick Room team. He can be used outside of it, if you want to run him kind of in a league for himself. First, Trick Room, and then wait for the suckers to come to you. Keeping Flamethrower over Hidden Power purely for the surprise factor and to keep Scizors at bay, and there's not a whole lot those moves can't handle anyway. I do the same kind of thing with a Dusclops (Trick Room Burn stall) and it works nicely, so I don't see why he can't do the same thing for himself. This is if for you don't want to do the choice item. He works relatively nicely for a lead, and you can psyche out your opponent by leading with a Trick Room lead for a non Trick Room team.

    so these are the things I come up with at first glance, tell me what you think.
    Hey uh, should my Archeops change his name as you do on the forums or should he just be Chris?
    Hey, bro. c: Sorry for not replying to any of your messages on dA; my computer broke a while ago and I can only use my DSi. :c

    Well then I would suggest the second one, if you prefer sweeping. (I, for one, prefer stalling with limited sweeping. Thinking about making a Ghost mono that stalls, but has some sweeping.)

    Unless you want to try something different, in which case I would suggest the first team.

    Speaking of Drifblim, I just thought of a neat Stall/Sweep set for him that might work nicely.

    Modest/Timid 4 Hp, 252 Satt 252Spe W/Flare Boost @ Flame Orb
    -Hidden Power (Fire)

    See, he gets burned the first turn (x1.5 to his Satt, so not necessarily as much investment necessary, but) and then you Hypnosis your opponent, doubling the power of Hex. First you might want to Stockpile a little to help your defenses, but after that you can either Hex of Hidden Power your opponent, depending on their type. (you can't really win against Houndoom with this set, but I think it shouldn't really matter? 150 power Hex wrecks most of anything, I would think, especially with the 1.5x increase of Flare Boost, awful Hindenburg joke there I think but I digress)

    And that is just my preliminary thoughts on that, so if it's imperfect shoot me. Ghost/Fire get pretty decent coverage; you can hit dragons Neutral and steels for double so I think its all set.
    I think that depends on what your strategy is.

    It looks like with the first team, you've got stalling/walling a bit with some sweeping backup, but the other looks more sweep intensive with less stalling.

    (My thought process: you can stall with Torterra, Bastiodon, Walrein, and Drifblim if you really wanted, and have Electivire and Porygon-Z sweep. For the other team: You can sweep pretty effectively with Torterra, Gengar, Porygon-Z, Glaceon, and Rhyperior, and Skarmory would stall.)
    Sounds very nice.

    It's just too bad that Wood Hammer is the only good Physical Grass move he gets.

    Unless he gets... he does! He gets Seed Bomb. Do you use Wood Hammer for the convenience of the extra power? Because I've used Seed Bomb before on a Torterra (can't believe I forgot), and I found it to be sufficient for what I was using.
    why would you run fly, competitively speaking?

    oh. Wait, can't you breed a Drifblim gen4 and then trade it to your fifth gen game?
    when running Drifblim, I tend to go Shadow Ball/Thunderbolt/Hypnosis/Explosion

    With an attack neutral nature, but that's how I like it.
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