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  • Urgh, yeah. It's especially bad in ASB since speed is the only stat that really matters. Funny enough, its black pokédex entry mentions that it "flies around at high speeds." Pfft, sure.
    *stalks VMs*
    It is indeed pretty awesome. Seriously, I never would have thought a bug could be such an honourable knight.
    that means it's working! :D unfortunately under the current system, steelix are too heavy to levitate; the limit is 440lbs and steelix weigh in at about 880lbs. I am trying to update it so any pokemon can learn to levitate - i posted my updates to the business approval office in May and Negrek still hasn't looked at it. so for now, my hands are tied. :/ sorry!
    Is that supposed to be the version of "YEAAAAH" and the sunglasses? :P
    I'm rarely ever "on" msn, even though it shows I'm logged in about 90% of the time. :/ Just don't really use it much now.
    Wait? I'm pretty sure you are a person, and I have talked to you today, so. :]
    She is, but we haven't talked in a while. D:

    Actually, I haven't talked to many people in a while, haha.
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