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  • xDD Nice. And now that you're 13, people will mistake you for 15, right? :P

    People tend to think I'm 16-17 ish. Some freshmen last year mistook me for a senior. I was like "hahahaha no" C:
    It is gonna be one of those things like someone asks how old you are and you're like "12! :D oh shit... wait..."

    I did that all the time, especially this year when I turned 15, I kept feeling 14 for the longest time. xD
    Yay! And it's your birthday!

    Happy 13th year you're been alive day! How does it feel being a teenager? o:
    oh crap.Ididnt pay to the august 23rd thingy on virgo xD Here's Leo xD: You:are creative,entusiastic,and generous.Other:Leos are bossy,mean,and think they are so cool because they get to be lions snd not one of the creepy signs of the zodiac.Likes:Luxury,drama,and attacking school-I mean antelopes.Dislikes:Mean people,ordinary,stuff,and conditioners that leave your mane unmanagable.Ruling color:Gold Ruling Planet:The Sun Ruling lunch meat:Pastrami How Leo sees the world:Its not fair to you how cool I am.(I messed with the one thing a bit xD,just the likes thing)
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!Imma tell you your happy bunny zodiac thing now xD You:are intelligent,reliable,and diligent.Other:Virgos are fussy,critical worry-warts,and lots of the ones that are guys are not that happy that their sign is a girl so they lie and say they're Leos.You know what? Lets fix this right now.From now on,a man Virgo is called a Mango,and that is final.Likes:Books,details,and telling people that their sign is a pretty girl.(Mangos,you can start telling people that your sign is a bulldog or a piranha or something tough like that.)Dislikes:Messes,pushy people,and dry frizzy hair with no bounce,viality,or sparkling sheen.Also war.Ruling color:Light Green Ruling Planet:Mercury Ruling lunch meat:Turkey How Virgo Sees the World:Make the stupid people shut up.Remeber this is what the Happy Bunny book says xD *
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