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  • i think he deluded himself into believing he had a chance with her owing to the fact that they're best friends. what he fails to realize is that close friendship != mutual romantic interest. she has a goddamned boyfriend. but he has told me multiple times that he thinks he's better for her than her boyfriend and just ugh.
    thanks for listening to me ramble lol

    a hahaha
    HE'S NOT AN ASS IN PERSON only over email. she does legitimately enjoy being in his company. i still eat lunch with him because he's /not/ an ass in person. then we get to email and
    ... well then again she's seeing her boyfriend for the first time since they got together tomorrow. at her house. a party her parents are throwing and she gets to invite all her friends. which means i'm going to be there and so is the asshole guy
    maybe he'll get over it after seeing her and her boyfriend together ; ; i hope he does.

    haha so do i. coughing cupboard in general is kinda fun to read. i am such a sadist
    it's not even a matter of taking a hint she /told him outright/ that she didn't think they would be able to continue their friendship if he was gonna be such an ass and started giving him the silent treatment. she explained in great detail why she felt it necessary to do so. he didn't understand and hounded her every day while she explained it in more and more depth (but he still never fully understood, seeing as how he blames everything on her when really the only thing she did to warrant this drama was /exist/. he was the one that started crushing on her and got so super-obsessive (to the point that he was jealous of me for hanging out with her so often) that she started to get touchy. and he acted like it was completely unwarranted) until finally she just was like "you know what fuck it."

    then the next day he claimed to have seen the error of his ways. she took him back >< and i was like "no NO he has not changed he will hurt you again" but she's one of those people that sees the best in everyone so ; ;

    ... rambling lol

    thank you for reading (and interpreting) that entire rant. it was an expression of anger more than a cry for sympathy/pity/advice, but thanks for reading anyway, that's more than I expected. <33
    man I haven't seen you on msn for ages :C
    busy? never on when I'm on? sadfaceee
    i am running out of people to pester with my continuous blabber :V
    Oh yeah, I remember seeing you before.
    (that MSPaint art wasn't drawn by me, though)
    So right now I'm level grinding this awesome Aggron I bred :3 It has 3 perfect IVs whee too bad its other IVs suck but hey I can't complain!
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