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  • Hello there! Sorry for the delayed response and thanks for the welcome. ^^

    <3 Happy Easter too, m'lord~
    A project for science. We were put into groups and we had to make a certain body system. However, some body systems are connected/inside of other body systems. So we have to meet up with that group and put our models together. And they have to be certain sizes, plus they need to look at least a bit realistic. And since we have a nervous system, we need to make the nerves for every part of the body, plus the spinal cord, and the brain. Then we need to meet up with the skeletal and respiratory system to put our systems together. And then one person needs to keep it in their house until the day in which we turn it in. And, my friend just informed me that the brain fell apart, and I still am busy working on the nerves for the abdomen, but I also have a history project to do, which is creating my own culture, if I remember correctly. And on top of that, I have a math project to do, and I'm no good at math.

    And it's all due early next month.
    EDIT: And to top it all off, I'm very sick and I don't feel like doing anything.
    so I totally didn't realise you messaged me~

    the watch itself was $14, but I had to replace the battery which was something like $25 to get it fitted by a watchmaker.
    ... did you use a negative priority move or something? o.o

    Well fine then. But by the time I get six Pokemon they'd probably all be competitively bred and EV'd and stuff :P
    Umm, right now, I think it's "Restless Heart Syndrome" from Green Day's "21st Century Breakdown". A non-Green Day song would probably be...Um...I dunno! Oh! "Assasin"-MUSE. I think I spelled "assasin" wrong, but, oh well.

    Oh, glad to hear it! That's great! *hug*

    Yeah, super. What're you doing right now? I'm typing (obviously~), drawing some Danny Phantom stuff, and listening to music-and my little cousin talk.
    I love Serperior's design, but when you have to spend turns setting up to kill stuff only to get critted and die... there's a problem.

    No, not yet. Right now I have two HM slaves with me. :D
    Volcarona, Serperior, Musharna, Galvantula, Scolipede, and Carracosta.

    But I've since ditched Serperior and Carracosta because they kept dying while I was setting up.
    Same. Except it's leaning more towards the worse side. Right after the FCAT, they bombard us with tons of hard work, and now I have two huge projects that are both due in May, and one of them is extremely difficult and frustrating.
    ...You keep changing avatars @_@

    I liked the Reuniclus one~


    ...did I spell it right?
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