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  • True, true. xD I think I've decided not to, though... the administration found out and threatened not to let participating seniors graduate; I'm not a senior, but if they're threatening to do that to the seniors, I'm sure they could cook up something for a junior. =/

    We've really been forced into a corner, though, as far as band... at this point we aren't playing at the graduation ceremony, and myself and a few friends were organizing the band to play without our director (because he wasn't allowed to be there since he's getting laid off) but if we do that, then the school board will get the idea that we don't need our band director because we did it without him. =/ So we're all just waiting in suspense. It's such a tricky game to play...
    Not to mention that a lot of artists's money comes from commissions and the like, which means people pay them to draw stuff for them, which means the artist may be drawing something they don't like to draw.

    No, not really. He's a bit of an extremist, though. Says he wants to rebuild the world from scratch or whatever.

    Ugh... Good parents are awfully uncommon, I suppose. :/ But you can't get pissed at people for being shy around strangers, right? God.
    But hey, you'll be out of the house in several years so just hang on.
    I know, right? I guess because it's so commonplace that people forget it's there. They all think that art is just paintings or whatever that's good for decorating walls but little else. What really pisses me off is how artists are brushed off so easily. A lot of people say artists deserve to starve on the streets (well, not really, but they said deserve to get paid less) because they have fun with their job. What. What about I don't know, singers? Star sports players? They have fun, and they can make millions.

    There are a few people in my classes who aren't all "LOL FACEBOOK AND TWITTER AND FARMVILLE" and shit, but they're not much better, because their morals are so twisted that I'd sooner chop my fingers off one by one than abide by them. Take the bombing-dude! Or that bitch I was ranting about in one of my other posts, the one who cares about nothing but marks and yet has the audacity to insult people left and right! I feel pretty bitchy myself at the moment, since this is basically raising myself above the others (and I'm obviously biased towards my own ideas), but it had to be said.

    I don't know. My dad seems to be very intelligent (I've never really had a "deep" conversation with him as we barely have the time), but my mom is kind of... :| She's always "DON'T ASSUME" (she even said that's practically her motto) but when she yells at us, she assumes so much.
    What? No. I'm here constantly. I'm just more of a lurker than a really active poster. I dig through the forums and read age-old threads.

    Since it's "lololol art" I may as well be good at nothing. No-one appreciates it. Everyone I know at school doesn't give two shits about it. The only other person I know who's remotely interested in going into the arts wants to be an architect. Everyone else is either indifferent or against my career choice, and that includes my parents. One of my classmates who's all "ooo I want to rebuild the world" said that he'd bomb the art universities and such because he thinks it's useless and doesn't contribute to society.

    As it is, I'm stuck with a career which no-one supports nor cares about. If I just "sucked overall", as you put it, at least I could go into something more appreciated without having some inner voice screaming at me for rejecting my real calling.
    I do, but I only read the stories there to try to convince myself that my life isn't so bad. I don't post there or anything. Maybe I should've been clearer. :V
    Haha oh boy, this is quickly escalating from me stepping out of class and sitting in the hallway to me running away and attacking anyone who chases me. xD
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