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  • A lot of people aren't in it, though. You're barely even active in there. :P

    Uh, yeah, right. Quit as soon as you get banned at ASB, then come right back under a different name.

    Would you fucking stop trying to narrow this down so far? When I mention "areas that they share interest" I don't mean stuff as detailed as his favorite movie or certain styles of spriting.

    Just shut up. I hate it when people take sides. I'm gonna be ignoring everything you wanna say to make Beta sound good. Bye.
    I know what you meant. What I was trying to get across was "well if Beta is a different person, where did Joseph go? Why did Beta join right after Joseph was banned from ASB? Why was ASB the first place Beta *happened* to go?"

    Spriting? Attempting to get into ASB? :|
    Use some decent grammer, for god's sake. "they're brother".

    But really, then, why did Joseph just dissapear? Why is Beta interested in all the same areas as Joseph?
    Uh, he's kinda on Joseph's IP adress...?

    Don't say anything if it isn't gonna do anything useful for either of us. :x
    awww. that's horrible.

    i'm really thankful to have my group. we're all pretty much confused about our sexuality, we have girls kissing girls, guys kissing guys, and we play pokemon :P
    no, i was just merely saying. i'm being nostalgic, that's all :]

    the pokemon games for me are sorta repetitive. you have a pokemon, you fight, and try to make the other pokemon faint. but, i love it too still, so :x
    Sometimes I give myself the creeps.

    Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me.

    It all keeps adding up.

    I think I'm cracking up.

    Am I just paranoid?

    Or am I just stoned?
    o: That's what my sister wanted to be when she was little. xD

    ! I want this game now. D: I really do
    Very top high away from the floor. It was center, and it wasn't to bad, but elevation causes nose bleeds. It means it was the balcony, which I wasn't really on. I'm being mellow dramatic
    I can't play it on guitar, but he called up someone to sing Holiday, and I wanted to be that girl, but sadly I was in the nose bleed section. No curtain call for me.
    I went to one there concerets (was in Houston Texas) and they actually picked someone from the crowd to play all of Jesus of Surburbia, and Billie even let the guy use Billie's guitar. Had to have made the guy year. I mean how often is it you get to go on stage, with Green Day in person, and play Billie's guitar part for the whole song, WITH Billie's guitar.
    How long are you gonna be in Texas? And dinosaurs <3 My friend gave me a dinosaur name: Moochasaurus Rex. He was a bit drunk though :x

    Whoa. Dialga's in SoulSilver? I did not know this! o:
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