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  • That's good. I suppose I can join you in your upside-downness if you like v-v
    oohhh... i'm psychic! :D

    I'm really happy ♥ and our house is naked, I have the only bed. you?
    You know that sounds like me except recently I've been listening to She's a Rebal and Hitchen a Ride, which has also recently become my favorite song. I use to love Minority too. Mom made me memorize all of Good Ridance...I could start singing it now, and I could sing the whole thing.
    I am guilty of not being active for a while...I would say I have a lot on my plate but in fact I have just gotten to many things going at once. I'm playing Grand Fantasia, and reading stories on Fanfiction, managing my stories on Mibba (not very well might I add), and I guess I just forgot to get on in all this confusion. Plus dad has dropped the hammer on a daily limit of time on the computer.
    You do know him right. He has to be obssed with Tcod, and I say that cause he practically has married the site. Surprised he isn't on right now actually.
    Bitch please how could it not be amazing. I have this friend that has an obsession with Billie. Since I well be working in Berkely she is demanind I sneak into his house and get his underwear...I don't think that well be happening. (Off subject I am also going to Huntington Beach where the band members of Avenged Sevenfold live, and Blastoise tells me he wants a pair of Jimmy's underwear.
    Yep in California. I'm actually going back to California this summer. I'm not sure if it still in bussiness, but it probably is. I got this summer day care job there, and my aunt needs some help with her hair salon, so I am working in Berkely for the next two months.
    Yeah but I am probably worse. I own every album, I've been to Mikes Coffee shop, even though I live ont he oppisite side of the country, and I know Tre only has one nut from a unicycle accident when he use to attend clown school. Did you know that?
    Haha, that Cyrus thing made me laugh. xD It's funny 'cuz it's true!

    I guess I'm addicted to approval as well. :| Otherwise I wouldn't bother to do well in school.

    I can sometimes whistle while inhaling, but I can just barely control the pitch, so!
    Ah, that was a nice apocalypse. Now I'm hungry =p
    No, really, my stomach is twisting with hunger >.>
    Depends on your opinion, hey? By that logic the Red Gyarados and the Pikachu-Colored Pichu could take all the fun out of it. And I do have some Random Encounter Shinies, so.
    YES! Oh, yes they most certainly would. I haven't had much of an appetite lately, either =[
    I've got a Biology project to do all in one night now~
    And I'll see if I can get to working on the next chapter or two of this untitled fic in the meantime =D
    The ideas are there but unfortunately, the time isn't. I've been working hard to catch up on missed projects lately, and we have a lot of acting to do in one of my classes. So we've been rehearsing. Basically, I've been too busy to write much lately, and I've been sleeping about 3 hours a night =[
    Yup. =( There's a chance it'll all work out though... I'm hoping for that chance since I don't know what else to do. I was going to write to the school board; sounds like someone did that and they just got ticked off. Gah, our school district is so horribleee =(
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