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  • Violin~ ♥

    I want to master piano and drums. Drums because I want to follow in my daddy's footsteps ♥
    Nah, I'm trying to self-teach myself piano. Mostly by ear. It's working a bit, but not a lot.

    Awww. So no sun? D:

    Actually, I wouldn't care if someone thought it was weird, I'd still wear them anyway. ♥
    Yeah, I guess.

    I feel way too dressed up for the day. Skirt, heels. And I'm actually typing this all from my front porch and it's 70 degrees! In Alaska!
    No, but then again I'd probably tell them that they were pathetic for doing it and they should shut the fuck up. x:

    Yeah... it's a thing I say, don't worry. When I ask if someone understands what I'm saying I always ask "you dig my jist, sweetpants?"
    Yeah... I get that. I'd be pretty pissed too. >=[

    But mostly it's people I'm protective over: #1: sister. I beat up a guy who was trying to hurt her when I was in first grade. It was beautiful. Not really, but you dig my jist sweetpants.
    Um... I'm not a really angry person, so... I would never do that. Ever.

    Well, unless they were trying to hurt me and/or hurting my sister in any way shape or form. The only reason I'd be all "hulk angry Mercy smash!" is if someone insulted, talked badly about, or tried hurting my sister. Then I go all "RAWR" on that person. It's not pretty C:
    Awwww. D:

    (Shut up~ I'm fairly sure he doesn't like me, even though we flirt. xD *guilty of being a big flirt* wut.)
    And was that person who your soulmate was? o:

    Someone~ Irl, not here. :]

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