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  • Well, it's not -that- strict. But compared to college freedom, it'd be considered strict. I guess
    No, it's just school away from home. Like college. You like in dorms, eat in a cafeteria, blah blah blah. It's just waaaay stricter than college for obvious reasons.
    Difference. You go to a public school. I go to boarding school. I get shipped away and I'm not at home with my awesome parents who would let me do anything. :/

    *gives Suicune plushie*?
    Nice. My sister might be getting HG for her birthday. But I don't blame her, cause it is her birthday. Damn January birthday. I'm in school for my birthday... D:

    I know, I also loved the design of it than any of the others
    I really want HG or SS, but unfortunately, I have no money :/

    Out of the three, Suicune was my favorite too~
    I looooved that generation's starters. I always picked Totodile or Cyndiquil. Actually, those are the starters that are on my bandaid~ ♥
    Uhhhh... Blue. Yeah, that was it. xD I loved Gold the most though <3

    I blame me. Nah, just kidding
    Ohhh... My group and I talk about how when we were little kids we would play Pokemon and use all this Pokemon lingo and stuff. It's great. :D

    Ohhh... I had no idea. Middle school here is 7/8 grade.
    Don't know, don't care. It's not like those weird should-be-fired doctors would have told me anyways. They kept a lot of secrets about me from me. |:<
    it's the best. People are jealous of my badass bandaid. <3

    Awww... why? Cause you're going to be a middle schooler? :D
    oh my god

    I had one of the better days in a while. Got a tetanus shot and I got the pokemon bandaid! Hell yeah! :D

    And I got hit in the head with the car door AND pulled a muscle near my ribs at the same time, but it was still fun. My arm is sore though. It makes it hard to type~
    No you're not.
    Nothing much is going on in this town, but my life has been changing drasticly for a while. My cancer is completly under control, or at least that's how I feel. I've been drawing a lot lately and I'm getting a bit better everyday.
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