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  • Because I hate the Torchic line. :v

    Because the layout still confuses me.

    And I'm about to go to the Elite 4. Finally finished EV training my Octillery.
    Well, maybe you should've picked out more than one Pokemon. That reminds me, do you still want that Torchic? Because I sure as hell don't want it.

    *shrug* 'S how ASB works. Double weaknesses screw you over, especially when everyone and their mom gets Shadow Ball or some other Ghost or Dark move.

    I know, right? OTL I'm still trying to catch up on stuff.
    You do know that two of the three Fury Cutters won't work this round? And that Pancake will be within KO range with one attack from Dexter next round?

    I don't know. We have a shitty internet service, but since we're about to move, my mom can't be arsed to change to a more reliable one. It just randomly dies sometimes. Usually it's only for a day, though.
    That Groudon is scary.

    And your Pokewalker grew wings. Better keep it in a cage.

    And now I think we better ask Metallica Fanboy if you could change your command string. OTL Did you not remember the stuff I PM'd you...?
    Oh right. So what other pokemon related activities do you do besides play the game and post here?
    Strange. Your avatar inspired me to make a competitive team based around Baton Passing to Octillery. Surprisingly enough, its won a decent share of its matches on Shoddy.
    Actually, I just use the Walker to get pokemon I would otherwise be unable to get. But yeah, if I actually need to power-level something and my laziness gets in the way, that sounds like a great strategy.
    At the moment? Level 2. Because I chucked it in the walker :). Yeah, I haven't actually used it at all. I'm such a horrible person.
    Yeah, I'll admit, Extrasensory is a helluva lot more convenient compared to Metronome, but I was doing a race with my friend, and training something that was about 12 levels below the rest of my party would take way too much time.

    Well, if you are, then giving away all your Pokes and money would be the kind thing to do. Especially giving them to me. >D>

    ...but really, why? You're in the middle of a battle; it would through everything off.
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