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  • I'd probably do your team if you gave me enough ASB Crazy Bucks for it. How much are you willing to give me?
    I am actually a unisexual, sapient species of moss that has developed the intellectual capacity and physical means to post on internet forums. It's a survival thing, long story.
    >| hahah no. It has nothing to do with being girly, you still have a penis.

    And removing that would hurt lots. so, go fuck with FemEd or something.
    Okay, to be srs-face you're just annoying sometimes maaaan. And you'd probably get freaked out since um.

    We're all girls. it's a fivesome orgy Running gag kinda thi--long story.
    Well, I suddenly felt like getting them dealt with after I got Suicune.

    I'm fond of the sense of achievement that is to reach Lv. 100 "naturally" -- even though I've only ever done it in an old Pokémon Red and in Platinum.
    Ultra Ball. I'd have tried doing it with a Fast Ball or a Level Ball, but the attempts have left me with only one of each.

    After I beat Red is a tad far away. I mean, my Pokémon are level 63 at best.
    Heart Gold, if that's what you meant by "in what".

    Speaking of which, I have no idea where to find Groudon and Kyogre in Heart Gold.
    The Entei hunt. I finally nabbed it.

    If I did it'd be a lie. Heart Gold seems to not like the idea of me capturing Pokémon; that, coupled with the fact I was forced to choose between capturing Ho-Oh under terrible circumstances and grand annoyance. After numerous frustrated tries, I decided to pop the Master Ball, with the thought that I can now capture legendaries without not using False Swipe and without being horribly underleveled and mostly exposed to one hit KOs.
    It'd be awesome to throw in a few lines during calls. Specially if it meant telling Joey to shut the hell up.
    Suicune was much less troublesome than the roamers. Specially because it didn't require Mean Look to stay in one place, nor did it have Roar to force me to go roamer hunting again. But also because, for some reason, it let itself be caught much faster.

    As for Zapdos... I let my Rhyperior defeat it. Of course, that's because I had already sent over my superiorly leveled Zapdos from Platinum, along with the Lucky Egg a random Happiny gave me there.

    Funny, just when Entei bolted again, some dude called me to tell me a Rattata got away from his grasp and "it's just not fair".

    edit: FFFF YES FINALLY IT'S DONE now there's still Latias but I'd best leave that for later

    One thing's for sure, it's several times less annoying than these Entei and Raikou that just will not get in the Ultra Balls, despite the fact that they are both asleep and with 1HP left.
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