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  • Yeah but a three foot four nidget with massive attack power ;~; Plus I don't really like the final stage...I have a lotta fakes, so eventually I'll release of one the two stagers.

    Hail restores HP radually. It'll have to be pure ice and i'll have to be convincing since only the Snorunt family has it.
    I can try that~ o: It has Ice Body as an ability (I'll ask if it's possible at all. Then again, it was supposed to be a two stager, although i wanna stick with one. Full Ice type for the first one. Should I keep it that way?)
    Yup. Was supposed to be for ASb. Oni(Google search it) based. Potector of mountian. Thus, Ice/Rock. But it learns very good moves (cue Earthquake in suck a tiny one, Dig, Avalanche, e.t al.) and Speed's decent.

    Oh yeah~ So I'll probably keep it and teachFritz Shadow Ball. I know someone's learning Headbutt soon. Probably either Goethe or Lagan. Or the eventual Normal type I have to get myself.

    And I justrealized how horrible Ice/Rock is for a fakemon. So much weakness ;-;
    We're all Rockets evetually so shut it.

    Haha, I just remembed the Gastly family knows Thunderbolt. No 'lectric type here really needed; Slowbro, being part Psychic, learns some crazy shit too. I'm keeping the Hypnosis/Curse combo (unless I decide to keep Yawn on Goethe, but since it's Normal type it won't hit everything. If Fritz can learn a more accurate sleeping move, I'll take that. And I'll teach her Dream Eater.) since it's been hella useful.

    I have a frosslass on Plat. Her name is Yangire. I love her so <3
    Lagan is a Quilava right now, Fritz is a Gastly (a female, actually. Lagan's male, and so's Goethe) And Goethe is a Slowpoke. I'll get myself a flyer eventually, maybe Doduo if I can get one (not a word on the wingless paradox :v I like to imagine it hop-flies) or I'll nab Kenya (that Spearow the guard gives you. You can keep it and t counts as traded so woo exp. Also Kenya's a decent name.) For the final two, I'll need an electric and grass type, maybe.
    I'll eventually have a team of Lagan, Fritz, Goethe, and...hold on. I'm reading an HG/SS walkthrough to know what's good for catching.

    We'll fight someday~ But first you gotta tell me how to find out your own friend code ;-;
    Nono, I do charge it. It just gfoes red faster sinc ei play it for so long

    D: Daaaamn, I'm only on lv 18 myself in Goldenrod (ffffuu confusion. I still haven't fough Whiteny :c) Training three at a time as it were, instead of an entire team. I've decided not to transfer over Shawn the Girafarig (there is totally a reason why all my male 'rigs are named that.) since Goethe the Slowpoke (and eventually Slowbro/king) will work fine. I'm gonna trade DoNotWant~ the Drowzee (cause do not want raep D: Plus she''s female. FemMachop that isn't affected by Attract? Yes plz.) and still traning Fritz the Gastly and Lagan the Quilava to around level 20.
    The Trololo video? a prank xD
    Got the idea from a Youtube show called "=3" by RayWilliamJohnson
    The shading on the top of the second one is weird.

    I like the white stripe, though, so I'd go with the second one.
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