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  • Hm, my friend's father is Puerto-Rican! He never sees his family, though... Is it a cultural thing, or something specific for your family? Or even just your general region?

    Oh, that reminds me, apparently I have to take finals for EVERYTHING. All of next week is just finals. I am suddenly filled with dread.
    We used to go to Florida all the time, but that was when we lived in Germany. I think we've found that as a general rule, the further you live from your extended family, the better. People are always nice to you from a distance; they only really get bitchy when you're close to them physically, and when we're away for such long periods of time, normally they're so excited to see us they forget to be assholes. It's a nice set-up.
    A different uni :p I just meant it would depend on if the uni I graduated from hired me back.
    Nah. We planned on going to Florida, but now we're not, for some reason. Presumably family drama. What about you?
    I'm sure if you stuffed enough tires in front of your door, all the rain would stay out. You'd be just fine.
    Just a bachelor's in music. I like music theory a lot, so I'll probably go to graduate school for music theory and try to teach it at a university level, because I've been doing a lot of tutoring and I enjoy it immensely.
    I'm actually expecting guitar to be harder than piano, because I'm not as skilled at guitar as I am at piano and the guitar one is going to incorporate a lot more spur-of-the-moment "Can you play it this way?" questions than the piano one is. Besides, music theory is something I'm really good at and really passionate about, so I almost never struggle with the theoretical aspects of music!

    Music therapy is amazing, no doubt! I'm just not as passionate about it as I'd like... and besides, I think my Asperger's is hindering my performance more than helping it. But I have utmost respect for everyone who is doing it, haha.
    Okay! Good luck.

    Yep, I can get on soon! Though my base is, like... terrible, I have literally done nothing to it beyond buying a tire that I haven't set down and moving it to a place I can't recall.
    Hm, maybe you aren't drawing it big enough? Instead of drawing it like a sheet over a person's head, try drawing it like something more akin to a helmet.
    Well, I'm having trouble. I guess I'm not playing Kanto ever again.

    Okay, in that case, I'll just show it to you in general! Basically, it depends on what kind of hair they have. If it's curly, you'll want to draw lots of details to show that. If it's thin, for the most part, you just draw the outline. Here's a few pictures to help you out: one two three four five
    That's school for you.

    Right! It makes him uncomfortable. Like, he doesn't dream or anything; it's just a period of total blackness, a chunk taken completely out of his life. Pokémon don't just spend a couple minutes in Poké Balls, either.

    Wow, I really, really don't remember Silph Co. at all. That was Kanto, I think? Kanto was pretty hazy for me.

    Depends on what style of drawing you're doing. Are you talking about realism, or...?
    Hmm. Why was it debunked? The idea of a giraffe's neck extending to reach leaves nothing else can seems substantial; I can see every large adaptation stemming from that.

    ...Yes, I did mean to write Pokémon, oops. It's still in draft mode, by the way. I have a lot of work ahead of me, even after I finish writing it the first time.

    I totally meant to say Magneto. Everyone knows he made a cameo appearance in Gen IV.

    Right; I thought I hit on that, but perhaps not. The concept is that Pokémon are incapable of thought when in the Poké Balls-- only their instinct to survive guides them in the attempt to break free. More intelligent Pokémon put together that going in the Poké Ball means that you become a mindless zombie, and that's generally something they try to avoid. After all, organs couldn't still function if you're made of plasma. They would just be a bunch of physical data, and they would be incapable of thoughts complex enough to think, "Huh, I'm trapped right now." The smarter ones are able to recall that period of blackness, though.

    I do have ORAS! I'm not very far; I'm
    "Big Bucks: A Moneybags Fanfiction by Dazel"

    Lamarck, what. Clearly I'm behind. Also, on the topic of evolutionary theories...
    The more technical name for the piano and guitar finals is "piano jury" and "guitar proficiency". The piano jury is basically to prove I've actually learned something this semester, so I have to go before a panel of my professors, play through a couple of the pieces I've learned this semester, and answer some questions on them. The guitar proficiency is similarly to prove that I've learned the necessary skills (song memorization, ability to play in a variety of styles, ability to change how I'm playing at a moment's notice) on guitar.

    I'm not going to be a music therapy student starting in the spring semester, but basically - music therapy is the use of music and music-based interventions to elicit change in a person or a group. (I have to define music therapy on my final exam for Music in Therapy so this is a good practice! :p) But more specifically, music therapists work in all sorts of settings - at schools, in special education, in psychiatric settings, in nursing homes or group homes, in hospitals. In all cases, the goal is to use music to help people in some way. This goes beyond just walking into like a hospital room and playing the patient's favorite song (we call that "music entertainment") - we have specific goals for the clients we see. Like, if someone were in a hospital bed and were being unwilling to move their hands, we might use our guitar or percussion instruments and be like, "Hey, reach out and play this!" - our goal, then, is "increase physical movement".
    My example I like to use when explaining it is with my client last spring. At my school, we see actual, paying music therapy clients at a private practice clinic, and every student is assigned a client to work with (with a certified music therapist supervisor's help, of course!). Most of the time, these clients are children, teenagers, or young adults with physical or developmental ailments - Down syndrome, autism, etc. My client last year had apraxia, which means he had a lot of trouble coordinating his muscle movements, resulting in difficulties with fine motor skills and somewhat garbled speech. He had a tendency to move his pinky and ring fingers as one unit, and I was trying to discourage this by having him play the piano, and telling him to use certain fingers for each note. By the end of the semester, he was able to move his fingers independently and very quickly, to the point that my supervisor was absent one week and when she returned she was astonished at how quickly he had improved since she had last been there!
    It's a really great practice. I'm just leaving because my heart isn't in it as much as I would like.
    Well, it's not very high quality. Spyro isn't exactly known for its graphics, I guess.

    Ah, but I love evolutionary theories! ♥ I love science in general. I just really hate cells, for some reason.
    Apparently Auric resembles Moneybags, but I guess they're not actually the same people? That's somewhat a letdown.

    Good! I'm sure the controls are way easier for the GameCube, anyway.

    Just Biology. It's probably not that hard. Just cells cells cells cells.
    Isn't his name Moneybags or something? I'm pretty sure I remember him from a Gameboy game. He's pretty minor, but I liked him. When I saw him while my brother was playing Skylanders, I pointed it out. My brother didn't really care.

    I've only ever played it on the GameCube.
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