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  • Oh, I see. Well, here's to getting to do it in the future! Why not just ask?

    Well, my music taste is way different from those of the rest. The drummers both like country (ew), and the singer is an innocent-looking girl who likes Marilyn Manson?? I've talked them into doing Say It Ain't So by Weezer, because it's easy and I already know it. The singer is having a hard time with it, though.
    Why don't you want to do it! It sounds like fun, and you get out of class besides.

    No, I wish. For now it's just me guitaring in a weird band, even though it's totally unnecessary. The lead vocalist is just as good at guitar as I am. But... I feel like she's less good at singing? She's certainly bold, but she's not that good.
    No art class participation, even? And that's a pretty cool idea, did you ever get to do that?

    Ah, fair. I don't know a lot about theatre around here, I wish I could drive and find out for myself. Between you and Flora and my reading Nick Offerman, I'm feeling more and more lot I should go support the actors and see some local shows. But I'm busy with my own music shows. ;n;
    Oh, that makes me feel a little better. I never thought of using TVTropes to research something, that's a great idea. How do you advertise? Do you have the art club make posters or something? And whoa, that's super cool. Is he well-known locally outside of school?
    Ah. Well. In that case, I suppose it doesn't matter at all.

    I see. I apologise, I'm a bit… uncultured in terms of live plays, and I seem to be drawing conclusions that I can't back up. What do you mean it's what you do with it, though? Is it a matter of advertising?
    I suppose that's fair, although I'm sure they have a lot of work to do besides, so it's still nice of them to come. Do some of them come and go, depending on what the show is/watch the same play more than once?

    Well, that's logical, I guess. Romeo and Juliet is a well-known title that everyone can get excited about, but A Chorus Line... well, I didn't know it even existed until you told me about it.
    I'm not bothered, necessarily, I'm just excited for it to start.

    Wow, that's a graceful teacher if I ever heard of one. I've never had a teacher drop a test before. It's cool that he came in for your play, too! I kind of miss teachers.

    Whoa, that's awesome! Good luck. Have you done such a packed show before?
    Nah, they weren't at my house, they were texting me that night. Clearly they didn't have any better way to spend the evening.

    Wow, I can't remember him either, so now I am also imagining Jerry. Oh my god did you see that glorious magazine cover.
    Non-related, unfortunately. The worst kind.

    I didn't! I sort of lost interest after the ball dropped, because that's all anyone actually watches it for anyway. She seemed really annoying, though. I liked the guy who asked if he could smell her hair.
    Essentially that! We had my aunt's family of five over, plus my other aunt, and just watched Taylor Swift be an idiot on live TV, basically. (If you didn't watch it, she complained about being cold, so Ryan Seacrest took off his coat to give to her and stated he was doing so, and she started screaming, "ARE YOU STRIPPING? INAPPROPRIATE. THIS IS FAMILY TELEVISION," like a fucking sixth grader. I went to bed at, like, three, because girls were giving me a hard time.
    Well, unfortunately, I'll be at a con for the majority of the day :C I probably can't trade again until Saturday.
    (Also do you happen to have an HA Fletchling I could have in exchange for one of the Mega Stones? If not that's cool, just curious!)
    Well, good to hear it went well! My english finals were pretty much cake as well, though the same thing that happened to you happened to me! Except, it made me fail miserably. I complained to my teacher about it and she gave me full credit, so I bumped my grade up considerably!
    Ah, I see. Well, whenever you're feeling it, Mr. Krabs my friend.

    Did your semester end on a good note?
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