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I liek Squirtles

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  • Yikes. School really is hard without sleep. I can't even do maths at all when I'm tired, I just don't have the willpower or attention span to. Writing an essay, though... Did it turn out well, at least?

    Also, did you hear about the new ΩR/AS exploit, with the QR codes and Box 1, Slot 1? This is me coming to you live, with, "OH MY GOD SHINY PRIMAL KYOGRE AND GROUDON ARE SO BADASS HELP."
    Well, that's not too bad, I guess, yeah. I hate how they shove all this stuff at the end of the week, it would be so much more manageable on tuesday or wednesday. That is the single best analogy I've ever heard, though.
    "I'm getting the feeling that we've had our two weeks of rest, and now the overdrive begins."
    Good to hear that this wasn't so, though.

    talk to your guidance counselors or whoever's good with college stuff! they usually know these things
    ...Maybe? I didn't hear anything about that, but that doesn't rule it out, really. This class has not been awfully descriptive, it's mostly just a progression of, "Hey, these things happened at some point!" lessons.
    I guess it's pretty helpful, maybe I just haven't gotten there yet. Seriously, though, it shouldn't have taken until ninth grade to teach me that the English civil war was even a thing that happened.
    Huh! See, I don't even know about this stuff. World history is useless.

    /shakes violently
    Oh, well, that's good. Which history are you taking?

    Aren't we second, now that Superbird claimed that other match?
    Well, that's school for you, I suppose. Do you feel ready for your test?

    Right, sorry; this is assuming that the opponent doesn't use protect, in which case your pokémon will still check to see if there's a protect up. It's also assuming that speed differences are basically negligible, but it's still worth noting. I think the effect is more profound in double-battles, since if your pokémon is checking for protect, the foe's other pokémon could hit in the meantime.
    Things are all right, over here! Lots of algebra and a grandma and an upcoming birthday and a Courtney, basically. What about for you?
    e: I noticed that you do this a lot, so I think it might be worth noting in case you don't know; conditionals such as "if the foe is protecting or detecting, do this" ostensibly decreases your priority whether the foe is protecting/detecting or not, since your pokémon has to check before making a move.
    Yeah, I think I got around four wrong, too? The one that actually took me the longest was the volbeat one, if I recall. Somehow. And oh, yep! Community mod. Not a big change, I just make more threads now. I can't use the table that RPG mods use to see what threads need to be updated because I'm not just an RPG mod anymore, though; apparently the table has trouble dealing with people who have multiple user classes.
    Suppose that's true.

    Oh, did you get a response? I did too, but my computer is broken so I'm waiting to do the the test battle until I buy a new one. And thanks! I've been a mod for awhile, but now I'm two kinds of mods.
    It was probably that, yeah. I wish I would've noticed magic coat, ugh. This battle is literally a gallery of my blunders, oh my god.
    I think everyone sucks at commanding first.
    Yeah, I've never used a fletchling, but it seemed like a move that it should get, and I swore I saw it...

    Also, damn your competence. I'm about to be zero for two, hah. ASB doesn't seem to be my thing, but *shrug shrug* it's fun.
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