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I liek Squirtles

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  • Well, I ruined it for me. By letting you just abuse poor little fletchling for a whole turn.
    In short because it's not actually the kind of thing I'm any good at or particularly interested in. I participated the first time out of some weird kind of sense of obligation.
    Yeah, I got it. It may be a day or two yet before I get around to it, 'cuz most of my time is spent churning out reffings for the tourney now, but rest assured it'll be soon~
    Ugh, I know that feel. Valentine's Day wasn't exactly a good day for myself or many I knew.

    Nah, I don't remember, but that doesn't matter. I have this account now x3
    Ehh, I guess so. I'm more inclined to think you're amazing because in my experience you are, but. I guess lots of factors don't come into play in terms of Internet friendships. And yeah, Valentine's day is... kind of a bad day to ask people out, unfortunately. It's such a good day to ask people out, it's become bad because everyone does it at once, hah.
    I love how well-meaning it looks in the second slide.

    That's... a great idea, actually. I'm going to steal that sometime.
    I guess that makes sense? At the same time, though, if she knows that he likes her, and she hasn't acted on it, why should you be let down for it.
    I don't know how you intended to reduce damage by using Double Team? anyway you'll be happy to know it's made Luke's "cannot evade attacks" thing moot
    Ah. So the stuff that's useless. (somewhat related)

    Aw, and it was over text... That sucks, I'm sorry to hear that. But yeah, at least you're "really nice," I guess? It always confuses me when people pull the "there's someone else" card, though, because why not even try, at least.
    I thought everything got taunt?

    ...Sounds like your ideal human being, actually. I hope it works out for you as well. I'm guessing she was nice in letting you down?
    Magic coat might save your life, but it seems to be coming close to ending mine, heh.

    Happy Valentines' day to you as well! I'm sorry for your bad luck with your crush, especially on today of all days. Here's to it working out better in the future, at least!
    That's so close, already. Barely over two years!

    Ah, okay. Whenever you can, I suppose. At any rate, it's really frustrating to hear someone sing a song wrong, and you can see them struggling with it. I would correct her, but... she doesn't seem like the type to appreciate that. It's unpleasant.
    e: Interesting coincidence, battling you first in the tournament.
    Are you graduating in 2017, or earlier?

    Oh, I see. Well, they're great, but I won't make you listen to the whole song. It's just this part in particular she's struggling with.
    I always forget you're a whole year ahead of me.

    Well… it's less the voice and more how the song goes. Are you familiar with the song?
    You're going into your... junior year, already?

    There's only, like, one high note in the whole song. There's just certain parts that she can't seem to grasp, for some reason, and it comes out nothing like the actual song.
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