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I liek Squirtles

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  • This is a bit late seeing as most of the events are over, but you should swing by turquoise! There's holiday events going on.
    They do work really well together, but at least it will always be on Amazon for me to watch repeatedly. And we did get Nick Offerman out of it.

    I'll have to watch that later; no sound right now. Have you read Paddle Your Own Canoe?
    I am still 70% Craig some days, pretty much.

    Ah, I forgot you watch it! The ending was interesting, and really unexpected. They were building up to that moment so long, it seemed weird when it just... happened. I'm so ready for the new season next month.
    My youth pastor's kids call me "the one with the deep voice," hahaha. It's weird, though, because it fluctuates a lot! inb4 puberty At one point it was really high and I generally sounded a lot like this guy.
    My thoughts exactly. For me, I'm kind of lucky that my parents don't want me to drive, if only to save on gas money.
    It's pretty much exactly what it sounds like and nothing more, but it's an interesting read to be sure. I should probably reread it, really-- there's probably a lot I didn't catch in my first go-around five years ago.
    Yeah, I haven't read it either! But I know what it's about, because of ~Internet hype~. It's super weird that you haven't read Harry Potter before, though! It's basically mandatory reading, these days. You probably have better things to read, though.
    Heh, I guess I'll check it out, then.

    ...But really, who wants to write about cancer? D:
    But it isn't, unfortunately. So I won't get money for good grades and I won't be able to buy my friends Christmas presents, even though they bought me some! I feel awful about it.

    He was in a private school, yeah. It was a Christian school of some kind, I'm pretty sure it was called Flaming Swords. Which is just totally badass.
    Ah, I see. My friend had a similar set-up, it always seemed logical. All my exams are compulsory as well, unfortunately, except for English (which I took anyway). I just finished my History exam, actually, and got a fucking 89%, which would normally be okay, except I had a 92.5% and hrrrrrngh I could have pulled it up to an A. ;_;
    Why did you have only one final? /murders you and gets several million dollars in surgical work to replicate your face, begins living your life so I can only have one final
    Ah, you're fine! Rest assured, you have been more active on the RP than most; after the little break it took, most of the players left, so it was probably slated to die from the beginning. Did you finish your finals?
    Oh, okay. It's a really long test! But it ends up being super accurate. I always self-dubbed myself the Prince of Mind, but admittedly the Mage of Breath is more accurate. Unfortunately, it further affirm's VM's claims that I am in fact John Egbert...
    Okay! Thank you!

    Which title test did you take?
    e: Also yes, that does sound a lot like you.
    Oh, I see. Hm. Seems strange, then.

    And I'm not sure really... what I would send a PM about, really. I have no idea what's going to be on these tests and I'm not going to until I use the official review.
    Hm, I see. Maybe he just left on bad terms with his family? He's technically fully American now, maybe that pissed them off for some reason.

    Thanks! I'm not sure if I'll be able to hold you to that, but I'm grateful for the offer.
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